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Guide to Getting a Government Job


The U.S. Government is the Nation's largest single

employer. But if you're job hunting, don't think of Uncle Sam

in singular terms. About 3 million Federal workers are spread

out among more than 100 Government departments, agencies,

commissions, bureaus, and boards. You simply cannot send an

application to a single Government entity and be considered for

every job that exists.

Today's merit-based system of civil service has roots more

than a century old. The Pendleton Act, passed in 1883, was the

first step toward overhauling the excesses of the patronage

system. Congress agreed to reform civil service laws only after

President Garfield was assassinated in 1881 by a disgruntled

office seeker he had declined to appoint. Until then, jobs went

to political supporters, regardless of merit. Now, the

political positions that exist, about 3,000 jobs at the top,

are reserved for those who work closely with Cabinet members

and the President. So unless you're a friend of the President

or a friend of a friend, you'll have to get your Government

job on your own.

And there's more than one way to get a Federal job.

There's more than one way you can apply for jobs, more than one

way you are evaluated, and more than one person doing the

hiring. There are affirmative employment programs, cooperative

education and other student employment programs, and summer job

programs. How you apply for a Federal job depends on your

qualifications, the number of vacancies in your field, the

number of people applying, where you want to work, the salary

you expect, and the kind of job you want. If you are looking

for a job with the U.S. Postal Service or are qualified to

start above the entry level, you can apply directly to

agencies. But if you are a college student or a college

graduate looking for a white-collar Federal job, keep reading.

The accompanying box, "Who Is Being Hired by the Federal

Government? The Word from OPM," gives the short answer to that

question, but the long answer is a little more complicated.

This article will help you find your way through the

Government's hiring maze.


Learning the Basics


If you're like most Federal jobseekers, you don't know

where to begin. You might start by learning about the Office of

Personnel Management (OPM). Although it does not hire

applicants (except for its own needs), OPM manages employment

policy for more than half the civil service. It develops and

gives written exams, rates applicants, and refers applicants to

agencies with openings. It also publicizes job openings through

automated telephone systems, electronic bulletin boards, and

printed materials. Most importantly. OPM defines the

qualifications required for different occupations and manages

the Administrative Careers With America (ACWA) program.

(Helpful hint: People in Federal personnel circles refer to

this program by its acronym, pronouncing it like the Latin word

for water, aqua.)


Do You Qualify? Check Handbook X-118


OPM writes qualification standards for the scores of

white-collar occupations it regulates. You must meet these

minimum qualifications to be hired. Qualifications for jobs

under ACWA appear in the table that begins on page 18. For

information on other occupations and for more complete

information about ACWA occupations, consult Qualification

Standards for White-Collar Positions Under the General

Schedule, generally referred to as Handbook X-118. It gives the

name of the occupation and its series number, which will prove

very useful because jobs are often listed in numerical order.

Perhaps most importantly, Handbook X-118 also gives the

requirements for entering jobs at different salary levels.

The Federal Government has several pay systems. About 450

white-collar occupations are part of the General Schedule (GS),

which consists of 15 numerical grade levels. (See table, "GS

Pay Scales.") College graduates with no experience usually

qualify for jobs at the GS-5 level. Even if you are qualified

to start at a higher grade, you may need to begin work at the

GS-5 or GS-7 level because the agency might be recruiting only

entry-level workers. Agencies are not required to hire you at a

higher level.

Keep in mind that meeting the minimum qualifications does

not necessarily get you a job. Agencies look for the best

qualified people. Even though a job such as writer-editor

requires no particular degree, employers will look for related

experience--school newspaper work, writings, relevant summer

jobs--that demonstrates interest and potential for development

in this field.

You can find Handbook X-118 in a looseleaf binder at

personnel offices of all Federal agencies, Federal Job

Information Centers, and most Federal depository libraries.

Some State Job Service offices, college placement offices, and

public libraries also have copies.


GS Pay Scales


Federal employee salaries are based on several pay

systems. The largest is the General Schedule (GS). The chart

shows pay scales for 15 grades covering most white-collar

Federal workers, as of January 1, 1993. Blue-collar salaries

vary by city or region.

Entry-level positions for most college graduates begin at

the GS-5 or GS-7 level. Generally, entry-level professionals

and administrators are promoted two grades at a time, often

annually, until they reach GS-11. Subsequent promotions are one

grade at a time.

Most people are hired at pay step 1 of their grade.

Advancement by steps, or within-grade increases, occurs after

52 to 156 weeks, depending on the person's current step.

To make the Government more competitive with private

employers, some Federal workers are paid special rates. Higher

salaries are paid to some workers who are in short supply, such

as engineers. scientists, and health personnel. White-collar

workers in New York City. San Francisco, and Los Angeles get an

8-percent cost-of-living differential. Some law enforcement and

clerical workers also receive special rates.




A look at ACWA


ACWA, or Career America, is OPM's job-entry program for

college graduates who will, if hired, start at the GS-5 or GS-7

level. College seniors within 9 months of graduation may also

apply for jobs through this program. Many of the occupations

require a specific degree or completion of certain courses, but

you can qualify for others with any degree. No experience is

required for any of these occupations, but related experience

can always help you compete.

ACWA covers 116 administrative and professional

occupations in 7 groups, the first 6 of which require separate


Group 1: Health, Safety, and Environmental

Group 2: Writing and Public Information

Group 3: Business, Finance, and Management

Group 4: Personnel, Administration, and Computers

Group 5: Benefits Review, Tax, and Legal

Group 6: Law Enforcement and Investigation

Group 7: Professional Occupations. Not Requiring an Exam

Some of the 100 occupations in the first 6 groups have

specific educational requirements, but most do not. All 16

occupations in group 7 are professional and, by OPM's

definition, require certain academic coursework. The

requirements for all 116 occupations, as well as the employment

in each, are listed in the table beginning on page 18.


ACWA Applications


Each ACWA group has a different application form. But,

generally, you must pass a written test or show that you have

the education required or both. One exception is made for those

who qualify for the Outstanding Scholar Program; it exempts

from testing college students who graduated in the upper 10

percent of their class or earned a cumulative grade-point

average (GPA) of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale.

To find out which groups you can apply for, visit or call

your nearest OPM office or Federal Job Information Center. Ask

for each groups Qualifications Information Statement to learn

more about that group's jobs, qualifications, and application

procedures. You can also call the Career America Connection's

automated telephone system at (912) 757-3000. (In the

Washington, DC, metropolitan area, call the Washington Area

Service Center at (202) 606-2700.)

Applications to take the test for most groups can be

submitted at any time, but groups 1 and 2 may be closed in your

region. For occupations in group 7, you may apply only when

openings are announced; hiring is very limited.

Information statements for groups requiring exams include

a test scheduling card, OPM Form 5000 AB, as well as

application details and a list of OPM offices. Complete the

test scheduling form and mail it to the OPM office in the area

where you want to take your test. You should also request

sample test questions. Within a few weeks of mailing your test

scheduling card, you should receive materials indicating the

time and location of the exam. Also included is a booklet

containing sample questions.

You may take as many different exams as you like, but you

may not retake a test within an occupational group for 1 year.

You must bring a photo ID for entrance to the testing room.

Each written test has three parts. The first part consists

of 12 vocabulary and 13 reading questions. The second part has

8 questions on tabular completion and 9 on arithmetic

reasoning. The third part is the Individual Achievement Record,

which evaluates how well you have used your opportunities in

school, work, or outside activities. The exam takes about 75

minutes: 30 minutes each for the first and second sections and

15 minutes for the third.


After the Test: Ratings and Registers


All exams in groups 3 through 6 for the continental United

States are processed at the OPM Staffing Service Center in

Macon, GA.

You will receive a Notice of Results within a few days of

your test date. Your performance on the exam is boiled down to

a numerical score, called a rating. Passing scores range from

70 to 100. (Veterans with a passing grade receive an extra 5

points; disabled veterans, an extra 10 points.) The names of all

candidates with passing scores are ranked in numerical order on

a list maintained by OPM. The list is called a register or

competitor inventory. From this register, OPM makes referrals

to agencies filling job vacancies.

Names remain on a register for 1 year. But not everyone on

a register gets a job. Currently, only those with ratings in

the middle to high 90's are being referred to agencies, and

there's still plenty of competition. From October 1, 1992, to

February 1, 1993, OPM only referred about 6,400 job applicants

to agencies, out of about 70,000 eligible candidates for groups

3 through 6. Of those 6,400 referred, only about 200 were

hired. As for the others, according to one OPM official, "the

vast majority don't hear and probably won't hear."

Along with your test materials, you will have received a

background questionnaire, Occupational Supplement Form B, that

you must complete and bring with you to the test. It includes

questions on your education and experience, and also has some

questions about the kind of position you are looking for. For

example, it asks you to indicate up to nine specific geographic

locations in which you are willing to work. These can play an

important role in whether you are called for an interview,

because referrals are made according to candidates' designation

for working in the agency's location. The central processing

system allows you to be considered for employment in several

geographic zones without having to take the same exam in each

zone. But don't confuse this with the requirement that you take

a separate written test for each occupational group that

requires one.


Other Jobs, Other Registers


OPM also maintains registers for specialized occupations

outside the Career America program. Specialized occupations do

not require a written test but do require specific

coursework--just as the ACWA group 7 occupations do. Ratings

for these registers are based on applicants' education and

experience. The specialized occupations include positions in

accounting and auditing, biological sciences, engineering,

mathematical sciences, and physical sciences. You need to

request Qualifications Information Statements for detailed

information about the specific educational requirements needed.

Call the Career America Connection or visit your nearest OPM

office or Federal Job Information Center.

The Qualifications Information Statements you will receive

for nontest positions do not, obviously, include a test

scheduling card. But you will receive Occupational Supplement

Form B. For nontest positions, your rating is based entirely on

the information you supply on this form. A computer will read

your responses, so you must take special care to indicate that

you meet the specific coursework requirements for that

occupation. For example, with a public administration or other

business degree, you are eligible for accountant positions if

you have 24 semester credit hours in accounting. But the

computer will not recognize that you meet this provision unless

you indicate accounting as an undergraduate major (defined by

OPM as 24 or more semester hours, or 36 or more quarter hours)

on Form B. Read the instructions carefully when completing the


All Form B processing is done at the OPM Staffing Service

Center in Macon. You should receive a Notice of Rating within 2

weeks of mailing your form. If you are eligible, your rating

will be a numerical score from 70 to 100. Currently, applicants

referred to agencies to be considered for openings have scores

in the middle to high 90's, as is the case with the ACWA

occupations in groups 1 through 6. The geographic location you

indicated on Form B likewise plays a role in referrals.

National registers are maintained in Macon for accountant/

auditor and bioscience positions. But engineering, physical

science, and math registers are downloaded directly to the

specific geographic zones you named on Form B. To be considered

for positions in more than one zone, you must submit a separate

form for each zone.


The SF 171


For many jobs, filling out an application is part of the

hiring process. The Federal Government is no exception. An

Application for Federal Employment, Standard Form 171 (SF 171),

is required for every Federal employee's personnel file. For

many positions, including ACWA occupations, you do not need to

submit an SF 171 to take a test or complete an Occupational

Supplement Form B. But you will still need to submit an SF 171.

prior to being hired. For most agencies, the SF 171 is the

designated application.

As your prospective employer's introduction to you, the SF

171 is a chance for you to present yourself at your very best.

Fill it out quickly and you're wasting your time; thousands of

applications are received by Government offices each year, and

only the best attract attention. You should spend several hours

to complete the application. It may seem tedious, but the time

you invest could mean the difference between an interview and a

rejection letter.





Blank SF 171 forms are available at Federal

Job Information Centers, most Federal agencies' personnel

offices, and many post offices, libraries, and State Job

Service offices. You can also buy automated programs for

producing your SF 171 on a computer.





Before you make any marks on the form, make several photocopies

to use as drafts. Then prepare a master copy for each

occupation you wish to enter and make photocopies of them. It's

acceptable to submit a photocopied SF 171 when applying for

jobs. Here are some hints on preparing those masters.

Read the form in its entirety, including the instructions,

before you begin completing it. Most of the blocks are

self-explanatory, but some deserve special attention.

Item 24, the work experience blocks, can make or break

you. This is the section where you are asked to describe your

duties, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Duties are the

work you perform for your employers, responsibilities involve

your independence and judgment, and accomplishments refer to

duties performed beyond what is expected of you. If possible,

show that you have progressed in each job, and from one job to

the next, by taking on more demanding duties or more


Note all work experience, including volunteer work related

to the position you're applying for. Be specific. You may think

everyone knows what a data entry keyer does, but don't stake

your future salary on it. If you do not spell out exactly what

you did, you may not get credit for any of it. In describing

your work experience, use strong verbs, such as performed,

rather than weak phrases. such as "was responsible for

performing." You also want to use the vocabulary that appears

in Handbook X-118 if you are relying on your experience to

qualify for an occupation. Whenever possible. quantify your

accomplishments. Present yourself in a positive light, but

don't overstate your duties.





Type your work descriptions on blank pieces of paper,

leaving room for the heading block at the top of the page and

the for-agency-use block at the bottom. Then cut both blocks

from a photocopy of the SF 171, tape them in the appropriate

places on your typed page, and photocopy the new page. The

photocopy of your cut-and-paste page. which will not reveal

your tape lines, results in a much neater look than trying to

fit everything onto the tiny lines provided. Type your name,

social security number, the position title, and the vacancy

announcement number on each sheet.

For items 25 through 31, mention all education you have

received. Be sure to include seminars, workshops, training

programs, and vocational or adult education classes. As

mentioned in the Career America discussion, how you specify

your major field of study is key in applying for a rating. For

some occupations, positions are not limited to a specific major

but may require a certain number of course credits. And unless

you designate those course credits as your major, your

application may be overlooked. As mentioned earlier, for

example. accountant/auditor positions may be filled by college

graduates with 24-semester hours of accounting credits whose

degrees are in related fields such as business administration,

finance, or public administration. So if you have 24-semester

hours in accounting but majored in finance, list accounting as

your major when you apply for a rating as an accountant/auditor.

When you list references for item 36, use names of people

who are not related to you who can attest to your working

ability. Ministers, doctors, local political leaders, or other

character references are of little help in commenting on how

you work.



Leave items 1, 48, and 49 blank on your master copy. Item

1 asks what job you are applying for; complete this block each

time you apply for a position. Items 48 and 49 are the

signature and date certification, and they must be signed in

ink on each application. You may wish to leave other items

blank on your master copy as well, especially in the section

marked Availability. This section asks questions regarding the

lowest pay you will accept, the geographic area where you wish

to work, and your willingness to travel. You won't be forced to

accept a job that pays less than you would like or would

require you to move. On the other hand, you could eliminate

yourself from consideration for jobs that you might think about

under some circumstances if you fail to choose your responses


Your master copy will save you time because you won't have

to start from scratch for every application you submit. But you

may need more than one master copy if you're applying for

different kinds of jobs. Even if you apply for the same

positions in different agencies, you may find that agencies

place emphasis on different skills or abilities. You should get

a copy of the vacancy announcement for each job you apply for.

(See the next section for a discussion of vacancy

announcements.) You need to make sure each application you

submit reflects that you meet the qualifications required.

Finally, be sure to proofread your SF 171 carefully before

you apply for jobs. And don't forget to fill in the items you

left blank on your master copy, including signing and dating

the application in ink.

Automated SF 171 software is available. According to OPM,

at least two private manufacturers have developed programs that

produce acceptable SF 171 applications. These are Federal

Research Service, Inc., and the Software Den, developers of

"Quick and Easy," and "SF-171 Automated," respectively. Contact

retail stores for more information.


Vacancy Announcements and Job Listings


Agencies advertise vacancies with brief statements of job

information called vacancy announcements or even briefer job

listings. Each announcement or listing includes the

job title, occupational series number, grade and pay levels,

application opening and closing dates (the period during which

applications are accepted), number of vacancies, job location,

announcement number, person to contact, phone number, and

agency name. Announcements, which may run a couple of pages,

also spell out specific job duties, both general and special

requirements, and application procedures. They even indicate

how important each required skill is.

There are many places to find announcements and job

listings, although no one place will have every announcement.

Regional OPM offices, Federal Job Information Centers, State

Job Service or Employment Security Offices, and personnel

offices of Federal agencies are all likely to have some

announcements. A more comprehensive list of jobs appears in a

commercially published magazine, Federal Career Opportunities

Listing. It is available at many libraries and at many of the

offices that have the announcements themselves.

Touchscreen and automated computers, available at nearly

all Federal Job Information Centers, also provide vacancy

information. You can search these listings--called Federal Job

Opportunity Listings--by such criteria as occupational series,

job title, or geographic location. The computerized lists are

updated at least monthly. They are available at State

employment service offices and many college placement offices,

as well as through the computers at the Job Information




Electronic bulletin boards allow you to download job

listings on your personal computer. OPM's bulletin board is

free (except for the price of the phone call). You can access

it by dialing (912) 757-3100 via a modem. There are also six

OPM regional bulletin boards.

If you have found only a listing and not the announcement

itself, contact the agency advertising the opening, asking that

the announcement be sent to you.

For many vacancies, applicants are given only 1 or 2 weeks

to submit forms. Be advised that the closing date generally is

the day your paperwork must reach the hiring authority, not the

date materials must be postmarked by.


Applying to Agencies


Because not all jobs are listed in any one place, you

should plan to contact agencies on your own. Each agency's

personnel office has the most up-to-date information on its

needs and hiring procedures.

You can start your search with a check of U.S. Government

listings in the blue pages of the phone book. Call the agencies

you think are likely to hire for your occupation. Of course,

not every occupation is employed by every Federal agency. On

the other hand, you might be surprised at the range of jobs

within an agency. For example, you know the Army Corps of

Engineers hires engineers, but it employs many other kinds of

workers as well. Don't assume that all educators work for the

Department of Education or that every librarian is employed by

the Library of Congress. Education majors are employed by the

Departments of Defense, Interior, Justice, Agriculture,

Transportation, and Treasury, among others. Library science

majors work in such offices as the Executive Office of the

President, Government Printing Office, and Patent and Trademark

Office--not to mention the departmental libraries throughout

the Government.

Look over the table beginning on page 18. It gives the

number of workers in different occupations employed by the

largest agencies. These are the places to begin your job hunt

for these positions.

Consider visiting Government offices in person to ask

about openings. In some Federal buildings, you won't be allowed

past the guard desk (though there might be a dropoff box for

applications). But in other offices, especially in smaller

cities, you might get a chance to meet with someone. Each

personal contact you make increases the probability of your

getting hired. After all, often the only way you find out about

a vacancy is if you're in the right place at the right time.

You might also learn about openings for positions other

than the one you're looking for, including clerical and

technical jobs. Don't eliminate these outright just because the

starting salaries are below those usually offered to college

graduates. You may think you're overqualified for some jobs,

but they may be good stepping stones to your desired career.

Mobility is often easier from within, where you learn more

about the agency and have more access to job vacancy

information. Many agencies also offer training programs for

employees, which can help you gain experience and advance to

more responsible positions. Before making a commitment, check

out the situation at the agency you are considering working



Exceptions, Exceptions


Not all occupations require that you get on an OPM

register. In fact, for some occupations, such as those in

public safety, you apply directly to the hiring agencies. OPM

also grants special authority to some agencies that allows them

to hire applicants without prior referral from a register.

These special authorities are called delegated case examining,

shared case examining, and direct hire authority. There are

also excepted positions and agencies that OPM has nothing to do


Delegated case examining permits agencies to advertise,

evaluate, and hire applicants independently of OPM. In shared

case examining, an agency recruits and screens applications

before sending them to OPM for final evaluation; OPM then sends

a list of the best qualified candidates back to the agency, and

the agency makes its selection. Direct hire authority is

similar to delegated case examining but applies only to

occupations for which shortages exist.

Public safety occupations, which include air traffic

controller--deputy U.S. marshal, treasury enforcement agent,

and U.S. park police officer--are filled by delegated

examining. You must apply directly to an agency to take a

written test for one of these occupations. Delegated examining

allows the agencies to develop and give their own tests, as

well as evaluate applicants and set hiring standards. Treasury

enforcement agents, for example, cannot be older than 37 at the

time they are hired. The screening process also includes a

series of interviews, a polygraph test, background

investigation, and drug testing.

Delegated or shared case examining is used to fill most

ACWA group 7 occupations. For public safety and group 7

occupations, there is no national register; evaluation methods

vary by region and agency. Some agencies accept applications

continually and maintain registers to fill openings as they

occur. But most accept applications only when they have

vacancies for these positions.

OPM grants direct hire authority to agencies for hiring in

occupations for which shortages exist. This authority varies by

location, occupation, and agency. To find out which agencies

have the authority for which jobs, contact your nearest OPM

office or Federal Job Information Center. Ask for a list of

agencies that have direct hire authority for your field. You

can then contact the personnel offices of the agencies on the

list to find out about their application procedures. When you

call, ask to speak to someone who handles entry-level hiring in

your field. If no phone numbers are given on the list of

agencies, check the U.S. Government listings in your phone

book's blue pages.

Exceptions to the merit system have been established over

the years by law, executive order, and regulation. OPM is not

involved in any way with the hiring of people for these

occupations and agencies.

The excepted positions include the following:

* Doctors, dentists, and nurses in the Department of

Medicine and Surgery of the Department of Veterans


* Scientists and engineers in the National Science


* Attorneys,

* Chaplains,

* Teachers and many other workers overseas,

* Drug enforcement agents doing undercover work,

* Part-time workers in isolated areas,

* Many seasonal workers.

The excepted agencies include such large, well known ones

as the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of

Investigation, and Tennessee Valley Authority, as well as

several lesser known or smaller agencies. In some agencies,

certain occupations are excepted, such as health occupations in

the Department of Veterans Affairs and foreign service

occupations in the Department of State. Excepted agencies set

their own hiring procedures. The names and addresses of some

excepted agencies are listed in the "For More Information"

section at the end of this article.


Don't Give Up


Federal hiring procedures are constantly changing. but

each agency's personnel office should have the most up-to-date

information. If there is a best way to look for a Government

job, it is to try every method you can for getting a foot in

the door. Know your own qualifications and make sure you meet

the requirements for getting hired. Visit as many agencies as

you can and find out if they're hiring. Leave copies of your

SF 171 if possible, even if they're not accepting applications

for a specific opening. Keep adapting your strategies to the

ones that seem to work best.



And never underestimate the power of your personal

network. Ask family members and friends about opportunities

that crop up in their offices. Talk to people you know who work

for the Government and find out what they do. Meet with people

who may have lots of contacts, such as your college professors,

and talk to the people they know. Networking is an important

tool in the vast Federal work force.

Above all, be flexible. No matter where you look for a

job, you can expect setbacks along the way. You're guaranteed

to get the runaround more than once, but don't get discouraged.

If you are qualified, your persistence will pay off.


For More Information


Reading this article is just the start of your Federal job

hunt. Now you're ready to move on. Below is a list of resources

to provide you with specific information about tests, job

vacancies, and application procedures.

OPM publishes the Federal Career Director, containing

general employment and special hiring program information,

profiles of Federal agencies, and an index of college majors.

You can find the Directory at libraries, OPM offices, and

Federal Job Information centers. OPM also publishes brochures

on topics ranging from the Federal Cooperative Education

Program to the summer Employment Program. To receive them,



Career Entry Group

1900 E Street NW.

Washington, DC 20415

To receive Qualifications Information Statements for ACWA

positions and information about job vacancies, special hiring

programs, salaries, and benefits, call the Career America

Connection, (912) 757-3000. You can call this automated message

service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Material requested by

telephone is usually mailed within 24 hours. Or, write

Office of Personnel Management

Staffing Service Center

P.O. Box 9800

Macon. GA 31298-2699

You can also visit any OPM office or Federal Job

Information Center.

If you live in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, call

the Washington Area Service Center's automated phone system at

(202) 606-2700 for testing schedules and application materials.

The Office of Washington Examining Services schedules most

tests on a walk-in basis, and the automated message gives the

schedule. You can also follow the instructions on the message

to receive the sample questions and Form B for the group for

which you would like to take a test.

For exams in groups 1 and 2, and for exams in all groups

in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,

contact the OPM office in those regions for information and

applications. Positions are filled locally, and you may have to

file separate applications in each area you want to work.

Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) numbers are also

available in each region. They are listed on information sheets

available through OPM's Federal Job Information Centers.

If you have a personal computer, modem, communications

software, and telephone line, you can access the Federal Job

Opportunities Bulletin Board, (912) 757-3100. Information about

examinations currently open and vacancy announcements

nationwide can be scanned on line or downloaded to your

computer. Although not as comprehensive, OPM regional bulletin

boards are available in six areas. They, are

(202) 606-1113 Washington, DC, area

(404) 730-2370 Southeastern States

(215) 580-2216 Northeastern States

(313) 226-4423 North Central States

(214) 767-0316 Mountain and Southwestern States

(818) 575-6521 Western States

Many agencies also publish information about themselves

and occupations that are especially important to them. Contact

agencies directly to receive these brochures.


The Largest Agencies


The following executive departments and independent

agencies employ the great majority of Federal workers.

Agriculture Department

Office of Personnel, Room SM-7


12th Street and Independence Avenue SW.

Washington, DC 20250-9650

Air Force Department


The Pentagon. Room 5E871

Washington, DC 20330

Army Department

Hoffman Civilian Personnel Office

Hoffman Building II, Room 1S39

200 Stovall Street

Attention: ANCP-HPR

Alexandria, VA 22332-0800

Commerce Department

Office of the Secretary

14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW.

Room 5001

Washington, DC 20230

Defense Logistics Agency

Staff Director, Civilian Personnel

Cameron Station

Alexandria, VA 22304-6100

Education Department

Personnel Office, Room 1156

400 Maryland Avenue SW.

Mail Box 4645

Washington, DC 20202

Energy Department

Office of Personnel

Forrestal Employment Branch AD114.2

1000 Independence Avenue SW.

Washington, DC 20585

Environmental Protection Agency

401 M Street SW.

Washington, DC 20460

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Room G-4000

550 17th Street NW.

Washington, DC 20429-9990

General Services Administration

18th and F Streets NW.

Washington, DC 20405

Health and Human Services Department

Office of the Secretary Personnel Office

Cohen Building, Room 1037

330 Independence Avenue SW.

Washington, DC 20201

Housing and Urban Development Department

Employment Office

Room 2258

451 7th Street SW.

Washington, DC 20410

Interior Department

Personnel Office

Office of the Secretary

Room 5456

1849 C Street NW.

Washington, DC 20240

Labor Department

Frances Perkins Building

Room C5516

200 Constitution Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20210

Justice Department

Personnel Office

Room 603

633 Indiana Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20531

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Room 5017 FOB6

400 Maryland Avenue SW.

Washington, DC 20546

Navy Department

Secretariat/Hq. Civilian

Civilian Personnel Branch

Pentagon Division, Room 4D-434

Washington, DC 20350-1000

Office of Personnel Management

1900 E Street NW.

Room 1447

Washington, DC 20415

Small Business Administration

Personnel Office

409 Third Street, SW., Suite 4200

Washington, DC. 20416

Smithsonian Institution

955 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Suite 2100

Washington, DC 20560

State Department

(Civil Service positions)

Employment Information Office

Room 2819

22nd and D Streets NW.

Washington, DC 20520

Transportation Department

Central Employment Information M-18.1

Room 9113

400 7th Street SW.

Washington, DC 20590

Treasury Department

Departmental Offices

Personnel Resources, Room 1318

Main Treasury Building

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

Washington, DC 20220

Veterans affairs Department

810 Vermont Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20420


Excepted Agencies


The following is a partial list of excepted agencies and

excepted occupations within agencies.

Agency for International Development

2401 E Street NW.

Room 1127

Washington, DC 20523

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20551

Central Intelligence Agency

Office of Personnel

P.O. Box 12727

Arlington, VA 22209-8727

Defense Intelligence Agency

Civilian Staffing Operations

Division (DPH-2)

3100 Clarendon Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22201-5322

Department of Veterans Affairs

(Health care occupations)

Veterans Health Services and Research Administration

Recruitment and Examining Division (O54E)

810 Vermont Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20420

Federal Bureau of Investigation

10th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

Washington, DC 20535

National Security Agency

9800 Savage Road

Fort Meade, MD 20755-6000

Attention: M352

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Personnel

Washington, DC 20555

Postal Rate Commission

Administrative Office, Suite 300

1333 H Street NW.

Washington, DC 20268-0001

Tennessee Valley Authority

Employment Services, ET 5C 50P-K

400 West Summit Hill Drive

Knoxville, TN 37902

State Department

(Foreign Service positions)

Recruitment Division

P.O. Box 9317

Rosslyn Station

Arlington, VA 22209


The Other Branches of the Federal Government


The Judicial Branch

(except the Administrative Office of the United States Courts

and the United States Claims Court)

Personnel Office

United States Supreme Court Building

One First Street NE.

Washington, DC 20543

The Legislative Branch

(including senators' and representatives' offices, Library of

Congress, and the Capitol) For inquiries about employment at the

House, Senate, or Capitol, contact either the House or Senate.

U.S. House of Representatives

Placement Office

Washington, DC 20515

U.S. Senate

Placement Office

SH-142B Hart Building

Washington, DC 20510

General Accounting Office

Office of Recruitment

Room 1050

441 G Street NW.

Washington, DC 20548

The Library of Congress

Employment Office, LM-107

James Madison Memorial Building

101 Independence Avenue SE.

Washington, DC 20540


Who Is Being Hired by the Federal Government --

The Word from OPM


The kinds of workers hired by the Federal Government

reflect the kind of work it has to do. According to Civil

Service 2000, developed for the U.S. Office of Personnel

Management (OPM), Federal jobs are much more likely to be

white-collar and professional/administrative than those in the

economy as a whole.

Among Federal workers, the share of professional,

administrative, technical, and management-related jobs is about

48 percent. nearly twice the rate for the labor force as a

whole. Blue-collar jobs make up only about 19 percent of the

Federal work force, compared to 28 percent for the country as a

whole. And marketing and sales jobs, which account for more

than 10 percent of the national labor force, are almost

entirely missing from the Federal job mix, making up a

minuscule one-half of 1 percent.

Because of their job requirements, Federal workers have

higher language and math skills, on average, than does the

labor force as a whole. For example, some 16 percent of all

Federal jobs--more than three times the national rate--require

employees to read scientific or technical journals, financial

reports, legal documents, or other materials. Algebra,

statistics, trigonometry, and calculus are also required for a

large proportion of Federal jobs. About 31 percent of Federal

workers are college graduates, compared with less than 25

percent for the labor force as a whole.

The majority of Federal workers are in the competitive

service, but large numbers are in excepted agencies or

occupations, as explained in the article, and even larger

numbers work for the Postal Service. (See chart 1.) These

workers are employed throughout the country and around the

world, although about 12 percent of the jobs are in or near the


Competition for jobs is extremely keen. Best bets for

Federal employment are found among the hard sciences, financial

management, health occupations, and some engineering

specialties. Chart 3 shows which agencies hired the largest

numbers of college graduates in fiscal 1992. OOChart, on page

40, shows the occupations of the college graduates hired.

In general, the Federal Government does very little hiring

at salaries above $40,000. In 1987. for example, only 3,000

full-time workers were hired at that level. In contrast, 10

percent of the people in the entry-level professional and

administrative positions (at grades GS-5 through GS-8) were new

hires that year.

Over the next decade, Federal employment, especially in

the Defense Department, may decline. Nevertheless, the number

of workers in some occupations will increase. Likely areas of

growth are health: law: contract, procurement, and management:

and Internal Revenue Service agent.


Chart 1.

Distribution of Federal Civilian Employment by Service,

January 1993



Chart 2.

Distribution of Federal Civilian Employment by Geographic Area,

January 1993