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Jobs for Tomorrow



Tomorrow's Jobs


Every 2 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics develops

projections of the labor force, economic growth, industry

output and employment, and occupational employment under three

sets of alternative assumptions. These projections usually

cover a 10- to 15-year period and provide a framework for the

discussion of job outlook in each occupational statement in the

Handbook. All of the approximately 250 statements in this

edition of the Handbook identify the principal factors

affecting job prospects and indicate how these factors are

expected to affect the occupation in the future. This chapter

uses the moderate alternative of each projection to provide a

framework for the individual job outlook discussions.


Population Trends


Population trends affect employment opportunities in a

number of ways. First of all, changes in the size and

composition of the population influence the demand for goods

and services--for example, the population aged 85 and over will

grow more than three times as fast as the total population

between 1990 and 2005, increasing the demand for health

services. Equally important, population changes produce

corresponding changes in the size and characteristics of the

labor force.

The U.S. civilian noninstitutional population, aged 16 and

over, is expected to grow more slowly over the next 15 years

than it did during the previous 15-year period, increasing from

about 188 million to 218 million. However, even slower

population growth will increase the demand for goods and

services, as well as the demand for workers in many occupations

and industries.

The age structure will shift toward relatively fewer

children and youth and a growing proportion of middle-aged and

older people well into the 21st century. The decline in the

proportion of children and youth reflects the lower birth rates

that prevailed during the 1970's and 1980's; the impending

large increase in the middle-aged population reflects the aging

of the "baby boom" generation born after World War II; and the

very rapid growth in the number of old people is attributable

to high birth rates prior to the Great Depression of the

1930's, together with improvements in medical technology that

have made it possible for most Americans to survive into old


Minorities and immigrants will constitute a larger share

of the U.S. population in 2005 than they do today. Substantial

increases in the number of Hispanics, Asians, and blacks are

anticipated, reflecting net immigration, and higher birth rates

among blacks and Hispanics. Substantial inflows of immigrants,

both documented and undocumented, are expected to continue. The

arrival of immigrants from every comer of the world has

significant implications for the labor force, because

immigrants tend to be of working age but of different

educational and occupational backgrounds than the U.S.

population as a whole.

Population growth varies greatly among geographic regions,

affecting the demand for goods and services and, in turn,

workers in various occupations and industries. Between 1980 and

1990, the population of the Midwest and the Northeast grew by

only 1.4 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively, compared with

13.4 percent in the South and 22.2 percent in the West. These

differences reflect the movement of people seeking new jobs or

retiring, as well as higher birth rates in some areas than in


Projections by the Bureau of the Census indicate that the

West will continue to be the fastest growing region, increasing

about 19 percent between 1990 and 2005. In the South, the

population is expected to increase about 15 percent. The number

of people in the Northeast is projected to increase slightly,

by about 4 percent, while the Midwest population is expected to

remain about the same.

Geographic shifts in the population alter the demand for

and the supply of workers in local job markets. Moreover, in

areas dominated by one or two industries, local job markets may

be extremely sensitive to the economic fortunes of those

industries. For these and other reasons, local employment

opportunities may differ substantially from the projections for

the Nation as a whole presented in the Handbook. Sources of

information on State and local employment prospects are

identified on page 441.


Labor Force Trends


Population is the single most important factor governing

the size and composition of the labor force, which includes

people who are working, or looking for work. The civilian labor

force totaled 125 million in 1990 and is expected to reach 151

million by 2005. This projected increase -- 21 percent

-- represents a slowdown in both the number added to the labor

force and the rate of labor force growth, largely due to slower

population growth (chart 1).

America's workers will be an increasingly diverse group as

we approach the year 2005. White non-Hispanic men will make up

a smaller share of the labor force, and women and minority

group members will comprise a larger share than in 1990. White

non-Hispanics have historically been the largest component of

the labor force, but their share has been dropping and is

expected to fall from 79 percent in 1990, to 73 percent by

2005. Whites are projected to grow more slowly than blacks,

Asians, and others, but will experience the largest numerical

increase. Hispanics will add about 7 million workers to the

labor force from 1990 to 2005, increasing by 75 percent.

Despite this dramatic growth, Hispanics' share of the labor

force will only increase from 8 percent to 11 percent, as shown

in chart 2. Blacks, Hispanics, and Asian and other racial

groups will account for roughly 35 percent of all labor force

entrants between 1990 and 2005.





Women will continue to join the labor force in growing

numbers. The number of women in the labor force will increase

faster than the total labor force, but more slowly than between

1975 and 1990. In the late 1980's, the labor force

participation of women under age 40 began to increase more

slowly than in the past, in part because of the increases in

births that have occurred in recent years. Nevertheless, women

were only 40 percent of the labor force in 1975; by 2005, they

are expected to constitute 47 percent.

The changing age structure of the population will directly

affect tomorrow's labor force. As the proportion of young

workers declines, the pool of experienced workers will increase

(chart 3). In 1990, the median age of the labor force was 36.6

years; by 2005, it will be 40.6 years.

Between 1975 and 1990, the youth labor force (16 to 24

years of age) dropped by 1.4 million, a 6-percent decline. In

contrast, the number of youths in the labor force will increase

by 2.8 million over the 1990-2005 period, reflecting an

increase of 13 percent, still growing more slowly than the

total labor force. As a result, young people are expected to

comprise a slightly smaller percentage of the labor force in

2005 than in 1990. Among youths, the teenage labor force (16 to

19 years of age) will increase by 18 percent over the 1990-2005

period, a numerical increase of 1.4 million. The labor force 20

to 24 years of age is projected to increase by 10 percent, also

a numerical increase of 1.4 million. The total youth labor

force accounted for 24 percent of the entire labor force in

1975, fell to 17 percent in 1990, and should decline further to

16 percent by 2005.

The scenario should be different for prime-age workers (25

to 54 years of age). The baby boom generation will continue to

add members to the labor force, but their share of the labor

force peaked in 1985. These workers accounted for 61 percent of

the labor force in 1975, and rose significantly to 71 percent

in 1990, but should decline slightly to 69 percent by 2005. The

growing proportion of workers between the ages of 45 and 54 is

particularly striking. These workers should account for 24

percent of the labor force by the year 2005, up from 16 percent

in 1990. Because workers in their mid-forties to mid-fifties

usually have substantial work experience and tend to be more

stable than younger workers, this could result in improved

productivity and a larger pool of experienced applicants from

which employers may choose.

The number of older workers, aged 55 and above, is

projected to grow about twice as fast as the total labor force

between 1990 and 2005, and about five times as fast as the

number of workers aged 55 and above grew between 1975 and 1990.

As the baby boomers grow older, the number of workers aged 55

to 64 will increase; they exhibit higher labor force

participation than their older counterparts. By 2005, workers

aged 55 and over will comprise 15 percent of the labor force,

up from 12 percent in 1990.

In recent years, the level of educational attainment of

the labor force has risen dramatically. Between 1975 and 1990,

the proportion of the labor force aged 25 to 64 with at least 1

year of college increased from 33 to 47 percent, while the

proportion with 4 years of college or more increased from 18 to

26 percent (chart 4). Projected rates of employment growth are

faster for occupations requiting higher levels of education or

training than for those requiting less.

The emphasis on education will continue. Three out of the

4 fastest growing occupational groups will be executive,

administrative, and managerial; professional specialty; and

technicians and related support occupation's. These occupations

generally require the highest levels of education and skill,

and will make up an increasing proportion of new jobs. Office

and factory automation, changes in consumer demand, and

substitution of imports for domestic products are expected to

cause employment to stagnate or decline in many occupations

that require little formal education -- apparel workers and

textile machinery operators, for example. Opportunities for

high school dropouts will be increasingly limited, and workers

who cannot read and follow directions may not even be

considered for most jobs.

Employed high school dropouts are more likely to have low

paying jobs with little advancement potential, while workers in

occupations requiring higher levels of education have higher

incomes. In addition, many of the occupations projected to grow

most rapidly between 1990 and 2005 are among those with higher


Nevertheless, even slower growing occupations that have a

large number of workers will provide many job openings

resulting from the need to replace workers who leave the labor

force or transfer to other occupations. Consequently, workers

with all levels of education and training will continue to be

in demand, although advancement opportunities will be best for

those with the most education and training.





Employment Change


Total employment is expected to increase from 122.6

million in 1990 to 147.2 million in 2005, or by 20 percent.

Reflecting a slowdown in labor force growth, this is only

slightly more than half the rate of increase recorded during

the previous 15-year period.

The 24.6 million jobs that will be added to the U.S.

economy by 2005 will not be evenly distributed across major

industrial and occupational groups -- causing some restructuring

of employment. Continued faster than average employment growth

among occupations that require relatively high levels of

education or training is expected. The following two sections

examine projected employment change from both industrial and

occupational perspectives. The industrial profile is discussed

in terms of wage and salary employment, except for agriculture,

forestry, and fishing, which includes self-employed and unpaid

family workers. The occupational profile is viewed in terms of

total employment (wage and salary, self-employed, and unpaid

family workers).


Industrial Profile


The long-term shift from goods-producing to

service-producing employment is expected to continue (chart 5).

For example, service-producing industries--including

transportation, communications, and utilities; retail and

wholesale trade; services; government; and finance, insurance,

and real estate -- are expected to account for approximately 23

million of the 24.6 million new jobs created by the year 2005.

In addition, the services division within this sector -- which

includes health, business, and educational services -- contains

16 of the 20 fastest growing industries, and 12 of the 20

industries adding the most jobs. Expansion of service sector

employment is linked to a number of factors, including changes

in consumer tastes and preferences, legal and regulatory

changes, advances in science and technology, and changes in the

way businesses are organized and managed. Specific factors

responsible for varying growth prospects in major industry

divisions are discussed below.


Service-Producing Industries


Services. Services is both the largest and the fastest

growing division within the service-producing sector (chart 6).

This division provided 38 million jobs in 1990; employment is

expected to rise 34.7 percent to 50.5 million by 2005,

accounting for almost one-half of all new jobs. Jobs will be

found in small firms and in large corporations, in State and

local governments, and in industries as diverse as banking,

hospitals, data processing, and management consulting. The two

largest industry groups in this division, health services and

business services, are projected to continue to grow very fast.

In addition, social, legal, and engineering and management

services industries further illustrate this division's strong


Health care will continue to be one of the fastest growing

industries in the economy. Employment in the health services

industries is projected to grow from 8.9 to 12.8 million.

Improvements in medical technology, and a growing and aging

population will increase the demand for health services.

Employment in home health care services -- the fastest growing

industry in the economy -- nursing homes, and offices and

clinics of physicians and other health practitioners is

projected to increase the most rapidly throughout this period.

However, not all health industries will grow at the same rapid

rate. For example, hospitals, both public and private, will

continue to be the largest, but slowest growing health care


Business services industries also will generate many jobs.

Employment is expected to grow from 5.2 million in 1990 to 7.6

million in 2005. Personnel supply services, made up primarily

of temporary help agencies, is the largest sector in this group

and will continue to add many jobs. However, due to the

slowdown in labor force participation by young women, and the

proliferation of personnel supply firms in recent years, this

industry will grow more slowly than during the 197590 period,

although still faster than the average for all industries.

Business services also includes one of the fastest growing

industries in the economy -- computer and data processing

services. This industry's rapid growth stems from advances in

technology, world wide trends toward office and factory

automation, and increases in demand from business firms,

government agencies, and individuals.

Education, both private and public, is expected to add 2.3

million jobs to the 9.4 million in 1990. This increase reflects

population growth and, in turn, rising enrollments projected

for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools. The

elementary school age population (ages 5-13) will rise by 3.8

million between 1990 and 2005, the secondary school age (14-17)

by 3.2 million, and the traditional postsecondary school age

(18-24) by 1.4 million. In addition, continued rising

enrollments of older, foreign, and part-time students are

expected to enhance employment in postsecondary education. Not

all of the increase in employment in education, however, will

be for teachers; teacher aides, counselors, and administrative

staff also are projected to increase.



Employment in social services is expected to increase by

1.1 million, bringing the total to 2.9 million by 2005,

reflecting the growing elderly population. For example,

residential care institutions, which provide around-the-clock

assistance to older persons and others who have limited ability

for self-care, is projected to be one of the fastest growing

industries in the U.S. economy. Other social services

industries that are projected to grow rapidly include child

daycare services and individual and miscellaneous social

services, which includes elderly daycare and family social


Retail and wholesale trade. Employment in retail and

wholesale trade is expected to rise by 26 and 16 percent,

respectively; from 19.7 to 24.8 million in retail trade and

from 6.2 to 7.2 million in wholesale trade. Guided by higher

levels of personal income and continued increases in women's

labor force participation, the fastest projected job growth in

retail trade is in apparel and accessory stores and eating and

drinking establishments, with the latter employing the most

workers in this sector. Substantial numerical increases in

retail employment are anticipated in food stores, automotive

dealers and service stations, and general merchandise stores.

Finance, insurance, and real estate. Employment is

expected to increase by 21 percent -- adding 1.4 million jobs

to the 1990 level of 6.7 million. The demand for financial

products and services is expected to continue unabated, but

bank mergers, consolidations, and closings-resulting from

overexpansion and competition from nonbank corporations that

offer bank-like services -- are expected to limit job growth.

The fastest growing industry within this sector is expected to

be nondepository holding and investment offices, which includes

businesses that compete with banks, such as finance companies

and mortgage brokers.

Transportation, communications, and public utilities.

Overall employment will increase by 15 percent. Employment in

the transportation sector is expected to increase by 25

percent, from 3.6 to 4.4 million jobs. Truck transportation

will account for 47 percent of all new jobs; air transportation

will account for 32 percent. The projected gains in

transportation jobs reflect the continued shift from rail to

road freight transportation, rising personal incomes, and

growth in foreign trade. In addition, deregulation in the

transportation industry has increased personal and business

travel options, spurring strong job growth in the passenger

transportation arrangement industry, which includes travel

agencies. Reflecting laborsaving technology and industry

competition, employment in communications is projected to

decline by 13 percent. Employment in utilities, however, is

expected to grow about as fast as the average, adding 160,000

new jobs, highlighted by one of the fastest growing industries

in the economy -- water supply and sanitary services.

Government. Between 1990 and 2005, government employment,

excluding public education and public hospitals, is expected to

increase 14 percent, from 9.5 million to 10.8 million jobs.

This growth will occur in State and local government;

employment in the Federal Government is expected to decline by

31,000 jobs.


Goods-Producing Industries


Employment in this sector peaked in the late 1970's, and

has not recovered from the recessionary period of the early

1980's and the trade imbalances that began in the mid-1980's.

Although overall employment in goods-producing industries is

expected to show little change, growth prospects within the

sector vary considerably.

Construction. Construction, the only goods-producing

industry projected to grow, is expected to add 923,000 jobs

between 1990 and 2005. Construction employment is expected to

increase by 18 percent, from 5.1 to 6.1 million. Increases in

road and bridge construction will offset the slowdown in demand

for new housing, reflecting the slowdown in population growth

and the overexpansion of office building construction in recent


Manufacturing. Manufacturing employment is expected to

decline by 3 percent from the 1990 level of 19.1 million. The

projected loss of manufacturing jobs reflects productivity

gains achieved from increased investment in manufacturing

technologies as well as a winnowing out of less efficient




The composition of manufacturing employment is expected to

shift since most of the jobs that will disappear are production

jobs. The number of professional, technical, and managerial

positions in manufacturing firms will increase.

Mining. Mining employment is expected to decline from

712,000 to 669,000 -- a 60 percent decline. Underlying this

projection is the assumption that domestic oil production will

drop and oil imports will rise sharply, reducing employment in

the crude petroleum industry. However, the expected rise in oil

prices should spark exploration and, consequently, a slight

increase in employment in the oil field services industry. In

addition, employment in coal mining should continue to decline

sharply due to the expanded use of laborsaving machinery.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing. Overall employment in

agriculture, forestry, and fishing has been declining for many

decades and this trend is expected to continue -- the number of

jobs is projected to decline by 6 percent, from 3.3 million to

3.1 million.

The decline in agricultural, forestry, and fishing jobs

reflects a decrease of 410,000 in the number of self-employed

workers. Wage and salary positions are expected to increase by

214,000 -- with especially strong growth in the agricultural

services industry, which includes landscape, horticultural, and

farm management services.


Occupational Profile


Continued expansion of the service-producing sector

conjures up an image of a work force dominated by cashiers,

retail sales workers, and waiters. However, although service

sector growth will generate millions of clerical, sales, and

service jobs, it also will create jobs for financial managers,

engineers, nurses, electrical and electronics technicians, and

many other managerial, professional, and technical workers. In

fact, the fastest growing occupations will be those that

require the most formal education and training.

This section furnishes an overview of projected employment

in 12 categories or "clusters" of occupations based on the

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). The SOC is used by

all Federal agencies that collect occupational employment data,

and is the organizational framework for grouping statements in

the Handbook.

In the discussion that follows, projected employment

change is described as growing faster, slower, or the same as

the average for all occupations. (These phrases are explained

on page 2.) While occupations that are growing fast generally

offer good opportunities, the numerical change in employment

also is important because large occupations, such as retail

sales worker, may offer many more new jobs than a small,

fast-growing occupation, such as paralegal (chart 7).

Technicians and related support occupations. Workers in

this group provide technical assistance to engineers,

scientists, and other professional workers, as well as operate

and program technical equipment. Employment in this cluster is

expected to increase by 37 percent, from 4.2 to 5.8 million,

making it the fastest growing occupational cluster in the

economy (chart 8). It also contains one of the fastest growing

occupations -- paralegals. Employment of paralegals is expected

to increase much faster than average as utilization of these

workers in the rapidly expanding legal services industry

increases. Health technicians and technologists, such as

radiologic and surgical technologists, and computer programmers

will add large numbers of jobs. Growth in other occupations,

such as broadcast technicians, will be limited by laborsaving

technological advances.

Professional specialty occupations. Workers in these

occupations perform a wide variety of duties, and are employed

in almost every industry. Employment in this cluster is

expected to grow by 32 percent, from 15.8 to 20.9 million jobs,

continuing to grow faster than average, and significantly

increasing its share of total employment by 2005. Much of this

growth is a result of rising demand for computer specialists;

social and recreation workers; lawyers; health diagnosing and

treating occupations; and engineers.

Service occupations. This group includes a wide range of

workers in protective services, food and beverage preparation,

health services, and cleaning and personal services. Employment

in these occupations is expected to grow by 29 percent, faster

than average, from 19.2 to 24.8 million. An expanding

population and economy, combined with higher personal incomes

and increased leisure time, will spur demand for many different

types of services. For example, employment of flight

attendants, homemaker-home health aides, and preschool workers

should all grow much faster than average.





Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations.

Workers in this cluster establish policies, make plans,

determine staffing requirements, and direct the activities of

businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. Those

in management support occupations provide technical assistance

to managers. Employment in this cluster is expected to increase

by 27 percent, from 12.5 to 15.9 million, reflecting faster

than average growth. Growth will be spurred by the increasing

number and complexity of business operations and result in

large employment gains, especially in the services industry

division. However, many businesses will streamline operations,

reducing administrative costs and employing fewer managers,

thus offsetting increases in employment.

Employment in these occupations tends to be driven by

industry growth. For example, employment of health services

managers will grow much faster than average, while only average

growth is expected for wholesale and retail buyers and

merchandise managers.

Hiring requirements in many managerial and administrative

jobs are becoming more stringent. Work experience, specialized

training, or graduate study will be increasingly necessary.

Familiarity with computers will continue to be important as a

growing number of firms rely on computerized management

information systems.

Marketing and sales occupations. Workers in this cluster

sell goods and services, purchase commodities and property for

resale, and stimulate consumer interest. Employment in this

cluster is projected to increase by 24 percent, from 14.1 to

17.5 million jobs, about as fast as average. Demand for

services sales representatives, travel agents, and securities

and financial services sales workers is expected to grow much

faster than average due to strong growth in the industries that

employ them. Many part- and full-time job openings are expected

for retail sales workers and cashiers due to the large size,

high turnover, and faster than average employment growth in

these occupations. Opportunities for higher paying sales jobs,

however, will tend to be more competitive.

Transportation and material moving occupations. Workers in

this cluster operate the equipment used to move people and

equipment. Employment in this group is expected to increase by

21 percent, from 4.7 to 5.7 million jobs. Faster than average

growth is expected for busdrivers, while average growth is

expected for truckdrivers, reflecting rising school enrollments

and growing demand for transportation services. Equipment

improvements and automation should result in materials moving

equipment operators increasing more slowly than the average. In

addition, railroad transportation workers and water

transportation workers are projected to show little change in

employment as technological advances increase productivity.

Construction trades and extractive occupations. Workers in

this group construct, alter, and maintain buildings and other

structures, and operate drilling and mining equipment. Overall

employment in this group is expected to rise from 4 to 4.8

million. Virtually all of the new jobs will be in construction.

Spurred by new projects and alterations to existing structures,

average employment growth is expected in construction. On the

other hand, increased automation, continued stagnation in the

oil and gas industries, and slow growth in demand for coal,

metal, and other materials will result in little change in

employment of extractive workers.

Mechanics, installers, and repairers. These workers

adjust, maintain, and repair automobiles, industrial equipment,

computers, and many other types of equipment. Overall

employment in these occupations is expected to grow by 16

percent -- from 4.9 to 5.7 million -- due to increased use of

mechanical and electronic equipment. One of the fastest growing

occupations in this group is expected to be computer and office

machine repairers, reflecting the increased use of these types

of machines. Communications equipment mechanics, installers,

and repairers, and telephone installers and repairers, in sharp

contrast, are expected to record a decline in employment due to

laborsaving advances.

Administrative support occupations, including clerical.

Workers in this largest major occupational group perform the

wide variety of administrative tasks necessary to keep

organizations functioning smoothly. The group as a whole is

expected to grow by 13 percent, from 22.0 to 24.8 million jobs,

more slowly than average. Technological advances are projected

to slow employment growth for stenographers and typists, word

processors, and data entry keyers. Others, such as

receptionists and information clerks, will grow much faster

than average, spurred by rapidly expanding industries such as

business services. Because of their large size and substantial

turnover, clerical occupations will offer abundant

opportunities for qualified jobseekers in the years ahead.

Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers.

Workers in this group assist skilled workers and perform

routine, unskilled tasks. Overall employment is expected to

increase by only 8 percent, slower than average, from 4.9 to

5.3 million jobs as routine tasks are automated. Employment of

construction laborers, however, is expected to increase about

as fast as average, reflecting growth in the construction


Agriculture, forestry, and fishing occupations. Workers in

these occupations cultivate plants, breed and raise animals,

and catch fish. Although demand for food, fiber, and wood is

expected to increase as the world's population grows, the use

of more productive farming and forestry methods and the

consolidation of smaller farms are expected to result in only a

5-percent increase in employment, from 3.5 to 3.7 million jobs.

Employment of farm operators and farm workers is expected to

rapidly decline, reflecting greater productivity; the need for

skilled farm managers, on the other hand, should result in

average employment growth in that occupation.

Production occupations. Workers in these occupations set

up, install, adjust, operate, and tend machinery and equipment

and use handtools and hand-held power tools to fabricate and

assemble products. Employment is expected to decline by 4

percent, from 12.8 to 12.3 million. Increases in imports,

overseas production, and automation -- including robotics and

advanced computer techniques -- will result in little change or

slight declines in overall employment. Relative to other

occupations, employment in many production occupations is more

sensitive to fluctuations in the business cycle and competition

from imports.



Replacement Needs


Most jobs through the year 2005 will become available as a

result of replacement needs. Thus, even occupations with little

or no employment growth or slower than average employment

growth may still offer many job openings.

Replacement openings occur as people leave occupations.

Some transfer to other occupations as a step up the career

ladder or to change careers. Others stop working in order to

return to school, to assume household responsibilities, or to


The number of replacement openings and the proportion of

job openings made up by replacement needs varies by occupation.

Occupations with the most replacement openings generally are

large, with low pay and status, low training requirements, and

a high proportion of young and part-time workers. The

occupations with relatively few replacement openings, on the

other hand, are those with high pay and status, lengthy

training requirements, and a high proportion of prime working

age, full-time workers. Workers in these occupations generally

have spent several years acquiring education or training that

often is not applicable to other occupations. For example,

among professional specialty occupations, only 46 percent of

total job opportunities result from replacement needs, as

opposed to 69 percent among administrative support occupations

(chart 9).


Interested in More Detail?


Readers interested in more information about projections

and detail on the labor force, economic growth, industry and

occupational employment, or methods and assumptions should

consult the November 1991 Monthly Labor Review or Outlook

1990-2005, BLS Bulletin 2402. Information on the limitations

inherent to economic projections also can be found in either of

these two publications. For additional occupational data, as

well as statistics on educational and training completions, see

the 1992 edition of Occupational Projections and Training Data,

BLS Bulletin 2401.


Leads To More Information


This chapter describes many other ways to find information

about occupations, counseling, education and training,

financial aid, and finding a job. Also, look at the end of each

occupational statement in the Handbook, under Sources of

Additional Information, for organizations you can contact to

obtain information about that particular occupation.


Career Information


A good place to start collecting information you need is

from the people closest to you, your family and friends. These

personal contacts are often overlooked, but can be extremely

helpful. They may be able to answer your questions directly or,

more importantly, put you in touch with someone else who can.

This "networking" can lead to an "informational interview,"

where you can meet with someone who is willing to answer your

questions about a career or a company, and who can provide

inside information on related fields and other helpful hints.

This is a highly effective way to learn the recommended type of

training for certain positions, how someone in that position

entered and advanced, and what he or she likes and dislikes

about the work. While developing your network of contacts, you

may want to begin exploring other avenues.

Public libraries, career centers, and guidance offices

have a great deal of career material. To begin your library

search, look in the card catalog or at the computer listings

under "vocations" or "careers" and then under specific fields.

Also, leaf through the file of pamphlets that describe

employment in different organizations. Check the periodicals

section, where you will find trade and professional magazines

and journals about specific occupations and industries.

Familiarize yourself with the concerns and activities of

potential employers by skimming their annual reports and other

information they distribute to the public.

You can also find occupational information on video

cassettes, in kits, and through computerized information

systems. Check career centers for programs such as individual

counseling, group discussions, guest speakers, field trips, and

career days.

Always assess career guidance materials carefully.

Information should be current. Beware of materials produced by

schools for recruitment purposes that seem to glamorize the

occupation, overstate the earnings, or exaggerate the demand

for workers.

You may wish to seek help from a counselor. Counselors are

trained to help you discover your strengths and weaknesses,

guide you through an evaluation of your goals and values, and

help you determine what you want in a career. The counselor

will not tell you what to do, but will administer interest

inventories and aptitude tests, interpret the results, and help

you explore your options. Counselors also may be able to

discuss local job markets, and the entry requirements and costs

of the schools, colleges, or training programs offering

preparation for the kind of work that interests you. You can

find counselors in:

-- high school guidance offices,

-- college career planning and placement offices,

-- placement offices in private vocational/technical

schools and institutions,

-- vocational rehabilitation agencies,

-- counseling services offered by community organizations,

-- private counseling agencies and private practices,

-- State employment service offices affiliated with the U.S.

Employment Service.

Before employing the services of a private counselor or

agency, seek recommendations and check their credentials. The

International Association of Counseling Services (IACS)

accredits counseling services throughout the country. To

receive the listing of accredited services for your region,

send a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope to IACS,

101 South Whiting St., Suite 211, Alexandria, VA 22304. The

Directory of Counseling Services, an IACS publication providing

employment counseling and other assistance, may be available in

your library or school career counseling center. For a list of

certified career counselors by State, contact the National

Board of Certified Counselors, P.O. Box 5406, Greensboro, NC

27435. Phone: (919) 547-0607.

Professional societies, trade associations, labor unions,

business firms, and educational institutions provide a variety

of free or inexpensive career material. Many of these are

identified in the Sources of Additional Information section of

each Handbook statement. For information on occupations not

covered in the Handbook, consult directories in your library's

reference section for the names of potential sources. You may

need to start with The Guide to American Directories or The

Directory of Directories. Another useful resource is The

Encyclopedia of Associations, an annual multivolume publication

listing trade associations, professional societies, labor

unions, and fraternal and patriotic organizations.

The National Audiovisual Center, a central source for all

audiovisual material produced by the U.S. Government, rents and

sells material on jobs and careers. For a catalog, contact the

National Audiovisual Center, 8700 Edgeworth Dr., Capitol

Heights, MD 20743. Phone: (301) 763-1896.

For first-hand experience in an occupation, you may wish

to intern, or take a summer or part-time job. Some internships

offer academic credit or pay a stipend. Check with guidance

offices, college career resource centers, or directly with



State and Local Information


The Handbook provides information for the Nation as a

whole. For help in locating State or local area information,

contact your State occupational information coordinating

committee (SOICC). These committees may provide the information

directly, or refer you to other sources. Refer to the chapter

beginning on page 000 for addresses and telephone numbers of

the SOICC's.

Most States have career information delivery systems

(CIDS). Look for these systems in secondary schools,

postsecondary institutions, libraries, job training sites,

vocational rehabilitation centers, and employment service

offices. Jobseekers can use the systems' computers, printed

material, microfiche, and toll-free hotlines to obtain

information on occupations, educational opportunities, student

financial aid, apprenticeships, and military careers. Ask

counselors and SOICC's for specific locations.

State employment security agencies develop detailed

information about local labor markets, such as current and

projected employment by occupation and industry,

characteristics of the work force, and changes in State and

local area economic activity. Addresses and telephone numbers

of the directors of research and analysis in these agencies are

listed in the chapter beginning on page 000.


Education and Training Information


Check with professional and trade associations for lists

of schools that offer career preparation in a particular field.

The Sources of Additional Information section of many Handbook

statements directs you to organizations that can provide

training information.

Refer to various directories, such as those that follow,

for descriptions of courses of study, admissions requirements,

expenses, and student financial aid information for colleges,

universities, and other training institutions. Guidance

offices, libraries, and large bookstores usually carry copies.

Be sure to use the most recent edition because these

directories are revised frequently. Guidance offices and

libraries also have collections of college catalogs that list

their specific programs, requirements, and expenses.

The Directory of Educational Institutions, published

annually, lists schools accredited by the Accrediting

Commission for Independent Colleges and Schools of the Career

College Association. Most of these institutions are business

schools, offering programs such as secretarial science,

business administration, accounting, data processing, court

reporting, paralegal studies, fashion merchandising, travel and

tourism, culinary arts, drafting, and electronics. The Career

College Association also distributes the Handbook of Accredited

Private Trade and Technical Schools, which lists schools

accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Trade and

Technical Schools. For copies of these directories, write to

the Career College Association, 750 1st St. NE., Washington, DC

20002. Phone: (202) 659-2460.

Information about home study programs appears in the

Directory of Accredited Home Study Schools, published by the

National Home Study Council. Send requests for the Directory,

as well as a list of other publications, to the National Home

Study Council, 1601 18th St. NW., Washington, DC 20009. Phone:

(202) 234-5100.

Local labor unions, school guidance counselors, and State

employment offices provide information about apprenticeships.

Copies of The National Apprenticeship Program and

Apprenticeship Information are available from the Bureau of

Apprenticeship and Training, U.S. Department of Labor, 200

Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20210. Phone: (202)



Financial Aid Information


Information about financial aid is available from a

variety of sources. Contact your high school guidance counselor

and college financial aid officer for information concerning

scholarships, fellowships, grants, loans, and work-study

programs. In addition, every State administers financial aid

programs; contact State Departments of Education for

information. Banks and credit unions can provide information

about student loans. You also may want to study the directories

and guides to sources of student financial aid available in

guidance offices and public libraries.

The Federal Government provides grants, loans, work-study

programs, and other benefits to students. Information about

programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education is

presented in The Student Guide to Federal Financial Aid

Programs, updated annually. To get a copy, write to Federal

Student Aid Programs, P.O. Box 84, Washington, DC 20044, or

phone, toll-free, 1-800-433-3243.

Meeting College Costs, an annual publication of the

College Board, explains how student financial aid works and how

to apply for it. The current edition is available to high

school students through guidance counselors.

Need a Lift?, an annual publication of the American

Legion, contains career and scholarship information. Single

copies may be obtained without charge by calling (317)

635-8411. Multiple copies cost $2 each, prepaid (including

postage), and can be obtained from the American Legion, Attn:

National Emblem Sales, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., P.O. Box 1055,

Indianapolis, IN 46204.

Some student aid programs are designed to assist specific

groups-Hispanics, blacks, native Americans, or women, for

example. Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and

Women, published by the U.S. Department of Education, is a

guide to organizations offering assistance. This publication

can be found in libraries and guidance offices, or may be

purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government

Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Phone (202) 783-3238 for

price and ordering information.

The Armed Forces have several educational assistance

programs. These include the Reserve Officers' Training Corps

(ROTC), the New G.I. bill, and tuition assistance. Information

can be obtained from military recruiting centers, located in

most cities.


Information on Finding a Job


It takes some people a great deal of time and effort to

find a job they enjoy. Others may walk right into an ideal

employment situation. Don't be discouraged if you have to

pursue many leads. Friends, neighbors, teachers, and counselors

may know of available jobs in your field of interest. Read the

want ads. Consult State employment service offices and private

or nonprofit employment agencies or contact employers directly.


Where To Learn About Job Openings


* State employment service offices

* Civil service announcements (Federal, State, local)

Classified ads

-- Local and out-of-town newspapers

-- Professional journals

-- Trade magazines

* Labor unions

* Professional associations (State and local chapters)

Libraries and community centers

* Women's counseling and employment programs

* Youth programs

* School or college placement services

* Employment agencies and career consultants

* Employers

* Parents, friends, and neighbors

Tips for Finding the Right Job, a U.S. Department of Labor

pamphlet, offers advice on determining your job skills,

organizing your job search, writing a resume, and making the

most of an interview. Check with your State employment service

office, or order a copy from the Superintendent of Documents,

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Phone

(202) 783-3238 for price and ordering information.

Getting Back to Work, another Department of Labor

publication, is designed to assist laid off workers, in

particular. It also provides information on searching for and

landing a job, in addition to detailed information on 250

occupations that are most likely to require the skills of

displaced workers. This booklet is available in most State

employment service offices, or may be obtained, free of charge,

from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Employment

Projections, 600 E St. NW., Room 9216, Washington, DC 20212.

Phone: (202) 272-5381.

Informal job search methods. It is possible to apply

directly to employers without a referral. You may locate a

potential employer in the Yellow Pages, in directories of local

chambers of commerce, and in other directories that provide

information about employers. When you find an employer you are

interested in, you can file an application even if you don't

know for certain that an opening exists.

Want ads. The "Help Wanted" ads in newspapers list

hundreds of jobs. Realize, however, that many job openings are

not listed there. Also, be aware that the classified ads

sometimes do not give some important information. Many offer

little or no description of the job, working conditions, or

pay. Some ads do not identify the employer. They may simply

give a post office box for sending your resume. This makes

followup inquiries very difficult. Furthermore, some ads offer

out-of-town jobs; others advertise employment agencies rather

than employment.

Keep the following in mind if you are using want ads:

-- Do not rely solely on the classifieds to find a job;

follow other leads as well.

-- Answer ads promptly, since openings may be filled quickly,

even before the ad stops appearing in the paper.

-- Follow the ads diligently. Check them every day, as early

as possible, to give yourself an advantage.

-- Beware of "no experience necessary" ads. These ads often

signal low wages, poor working conditions, or straight

commission work.

-- Keep a record of all ads to which you have responded.

Public employment service. The State employment service,

sometimes called the Job Service, operates in coordination with

the Labor Department's U.S. Employment Service. About 1,700

local offices, also known as employment service centers, help

jobseekers locate employment and help employers find qualified

workers at no cost to themselves. To find the office nearest

you, look in the State government telephone listings under "Job

Service" or "Employment."


Job Interview Tips




* Learn about the organization.

* Have a specific job or jobs in mind.

* Review your qualifications for the job.

* Prepare answers to broad questions about yourself.

* Review your resume.

* Practice an interview with a friend or relative.

* Arrive before the scheduled time of your interview.


Personal Appearance:


* Be well groomed.

* Dress appropriately.

* Do not chew gum or smoke.


The Interview:


* Answer each question concisely.

* Respond promptly.

* Use good manners. Learn the name of your interviewer and

shake hands as you meet.

* Use proper English and avoid slang.

* Be cooperative and enthusiastic.

* Ask questions about the position and the organization.

* Thank the interviewer, and follow up with a letter.


Test (if employer gives one):


* Listen closely to instructions.

* Read each question carefully.

* Write legibly and clearly.

* Budget your time wisely and don't dwell on one question.


Information To Bring to an Interview:


* Social Security number.

* Driver's license number.

* Resume. Although not all employers require applicants to

bring a resume, you should be able to furnish the

interviewer with information about your education,

training, and previous employment.

* Usually an employer requires three references. Get

permission from people before using their names, and make

sure they will give you a good reference. Try to avoid

using relatives. For each reference, provide the following

information: Name, address, telephone number, and job


Job matching and referral. At a State employment service

office, an interviewer will determine if you are "job ready" or

if counseling and testing services would be helpful before you

begin your job search. After you are "job ready," you may

examine the Job Bank, a computerized listing of public- and

private-sector job openings that is updated daily. Select

openings that interest you, then get more details from a staff

member who can describe the job openings in detail and arrange

for interviews with prospective employers.

Counseling and testing. Centers can test for occupational

aptitudes and interests and then help you choose and prepare

for a career.

Services for special groups. By law, veterans are entitled

to priority at State employment service centers. Veterans'

employment representatives can inform you of available

assistance and help you deal with any problems.


Summer Youth Programs provide summer jobs in city, county,

and State government agencies for low-income youth. Students,

school dropouts, or graduates entering the labor market who are

between 16 and 21 years of age are eligible. In addition, the

Job Corps, with more than 100 centers throughout the United

States, helps young people learn skills or obtain education.

Service centers also refer applicants to opportunities

available under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) of

1982. JTPA prepares economically disadvantaged persons and

those facing barriers to employment for jobs.

Call the Federal Job Information Center, operated by the

Office of Personnel Management, for information about

employment with the U.S. Government. The phone number is (202)

606-2700, or write to Federal Job Information Center, 1900 E

St. NW., Room 1416, Washington, DC 20415.

Private employment agencies. These agencies can be very

helpful, but don't forget that they are in business to make

money. Most agencies operate on a commission basis, with the

fee dependent upon a successful match. You or the hiring

company will have to pay a fee for the matching service. Find

out the exact cost and who is responsible for paying it before

using the service.

While employment agencies can help you save time and

contact employers who otherwise may be difficult to locate, in

some cases, your costs may outweigh the benefits. Consider any

guarantee they offer when figuring the cost.


What Goes Into a Resume


A resume summarizes your qualifications and employment

history. It usually is required when applying for managerial,

administrative, professional, or technical positions. Although

there is no set format, it should contain the following


* Name, address, and telephone number.

* Employment objective. State the type of work or specific

job you are seeking.

* Education, including school name and address, dates of

attendance, curriculum, and highest grade completed or

degree awarded.

* Experience, paid or volunteer. Include the following for

each job: Job title, name and address of employer, and

dates of employment. Describe your job duties.

* Special skills, knowledge of machinery, proficiency in

foreign languages, honors received, awards, or membership

in organizations.

* Note on your resume that "references are available upon

request." On a separate sheet, list the name, address,

telephone number, and job title of three references.

College career planning and placement offices. College

placement offices facilitate matching job openings with

suitable jobseekers. You can set up schedules and use available

facilities for interviews with recruiters or scan lists of

part-time, temporary, and summer jobs maintained in many of

these offices. You also can get counseling, testing, and job

search advice and take advantage of their career resource

library. Here you also will be able to identify and evaluate

your interests, work values, and skills; attend workshops on

such topics as job search strategy, resume writing, letter

writing, and effective interviewing; critique drafts of resumes

and videotapes of mock interviews; explore files of resumes and

references; and attend job fairs conducted by the office.

Community agencies. Many nonprofit organizations offer

counseling, career development, and job placement services,

generally targeted to a particular group, such as women, youth,

minorities, ex-offenders, or older workers.

Many communities have career counseling, training,

placement, and support services for employment. These programs

are sponsored by a variety of organizations, including churches

and synagogues, nonprofit organizations, social service

agencies, the State employment service, and vocational

rehabilitation agencies. Many cities have commissions that

provide services for these special groups.


Organizations for Specific Groups


The organizations listed below provide information on

career planning, training, or public policy support for

specific groups.

Disabled: President's Committee on Employment of People

with Disabilities, 1331 F St. NW., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC

20004. Phone: (202) 376-6200.

The blind: Job Opportunities for the Blind Program,

National Federation for the Blind, 1800 Johnson St., Baltimore,

MD 21230. Phone: toll-free, 1-800-638-7518.

Minorities: National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People (NAACP), 4805 Mount Hope Dr., Baltimore, MD

21215-3297. Phone: (212) 358-8900.

National Urban League, Employment Department, 500 E. 62nd

St., New York, NY 10021. Phone: (301) 310-9000.

National Urban League, Washington Operations, 1111 14th

St. NW., 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Phone: (202)


Older workers: National Association of Older Workers

Employment Services, c/o National Council on the Aging, 409 3rd

St. SW., Suite 2000, Washington, DC 20024. Phone: (202)


American Association of Retired Persons, Worker Equity,

601 E St. NW., Floor A5, Washington, DC 20049. Phone: (202)


Association Nacional Por Personas Mayores (National

Association for Hispanic Elderly), 2727 W. 6th St., Suite 270,

Los Angeles, CA 90057. Phone: (213) 487-1922. This organization

specifically serves low-income, minority older persons.

National Caucus/Center on Black Aged, Inc., 1424 K St.

NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. Phone: (202) 637-8400.

Veterans: Contact the nearest regional office of the

Veterans Administration.

Women: U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, 200

Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20210. Phone: (202)


Catalyst, 250 Park Ave. South, 5th floor, New York, NY

10003. Phone: (212) 777-8900. (Ask for the free referral

pamphlet called Career Development Resources.)

Wider Opportunities for Women, 1325 G St. NW., Lower

Level, Washington, DC 20005. Phone: (202) 638-3143.

Federal laws, executive orders, and selected Federal grant

programs bar discrimination in employment based on race, color,

religion, sex, national origin, age, and handicap. Information

on how to file a charge of discrimination is available from

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offices around the

country. Their addresses and telephone numbers are listed in

telephone directories under U.S. Government, EEOC, or are

available from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,

1801 L St. NW., Washington, DC 20507. Phone: (202) 663-4264.

Information on Federal laws concerning fair labor

standards such as the minimum wage and equal employment

opportunity can be obtained from the Office of Information and

Consumer Affairs, Employment Standards Administration, U.S.

Department of Labor, Room C-4331,200 Constitution Ave. NW.,

Washington, DC 20210. Phone: (202) 523-8743.


Sources of State and Local Job Outlook Information


State and local job market and career information is

available from State employment security agencies and State

Occupational Information Coordinating Committees (SOICC's).

State employment security agencies develop occupational

employment projections and other job market information.

SOICC's provide or help locate labor market and career

information. The following list provides the title, address,

and telephone number of State employment security agency

directors of research and SOICC directors.




Director, Labor Market Information, Alabama Department of

Industrial Relations, 649 Monroe St., Room 422, Montgomery, AL

36130. Phone: (205) 242-8855.

Director, Alabama Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Bell Bldg., 207 Montgomery St., Suite 400,

Montgomery, AL 36130. Phone: (205) 242-2990.




Chief, Research and Analysis, Alaska Department of Labor, P.O.

Box 25501, Juneau, AK 99802-5501. Phone: (907) 465-4500.

Executive Director, Alaska Department of Labor, Research and

Analysis Section, P.O. Box 25501, Juneau, AK 99802-5501. Phone:

(907) 465-4518.


American Samoa


Program Director, American Samoa State Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Office of Manpower Resources, American

Samoa Government, Pago Pago, AS 96799. Phone: (684) 633-4485.




Research Administrator, Arizona Department of Economic

Security, 1789 West Jefferson, P.O. Box 6123, Site Code 733A,

Phoenix, AZ 85005. Phone: (602) 542-3871.

Executive Director, Arizona State Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, P.O. Box 6123, Site Code 897J, 1788

West Jefferson St., First Floor North, Phoenix, AZ 85005.

Phone: (602) 542-3680.




State and Labor Market Information, Arkansas Employment

Security Division, P.O. Box 2981, Little Rock, AR 72203. Phone:

(501) 682-1543.

Executive Director, Arkansas Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Arkansas Employment Security Division,

Employment and Training Services, P.O. Box 2981, Little Rock,

AR 72203. Phone: (501) 682-3159.




Acting Chief, Employment Data and Research Division, California

Employment Development Department, P.O. Box 942880, MIC 57,

Sacramento, CA 94280-0001. Phone: (916) 427-4675.

Executive Director, California Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 800 Capitol Mall, MIC-67, Sacramento,

CA 95814. Phone: (916) 323-6544.




Director, Labor Market Information, Chancey Building, 8th

Floor, 1120 Lincoln St., Denver, CO 80203. Phone: (303)


Director, Colorado Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, State Board Community College, 1391 Speer Blvd.,

Suite 600, Denver, CO 80204-2554. Phone: (303) 866-4488.




Director, Research and Information, Employment Security

Division, Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Blvd.,

Wethersfield, CT 06109. Phone: (203) 566-2120.

Executive Director, Connecticut Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Connecticut Department of Education,

25 Industrial Park Rd., Middletown, CT 06457. Phone: (203)




Chief, Office of Occupational and Labor Market Information,

Delaware Department of Labor, University Plaza, Building D,

P.O. Box 9029, Newark, DE 19702-9029. Phone: (302) 368-6962.

Executive Director, Office of Occupational and Labor Market

Information, Delaware Department of Labor, University Office

Plaza, P.O. Box 9029, Newark, DE 19714-9029. Phone: (302)



District of Columbia


Chief of Labor Market Information, District of Columbia

Department of Employment Services, 500 C St. NW., Room 201,

Washington, DC 20001. Phone: (202) 639-1642.

Executive Director, District of Columbia Occupational

Information Coordinating Committee, Department of Employment

Security Services, 500 C St. NW, Room 215, Washington, DC

20001. Phone: (202) 639-1090.




Chief, Bureau of Labor Market Information, Florida Department

of Labor and Employment Security, 2012 Capitol Circle, SE, Room

200, Hartman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0674. Phone: (904)


Manager, Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security,

Bureau of Labor Market Information, 2012 Capitol Circle, SE.,

Hartman Bldg., Suite 200, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0673. Phone:

(904) 488-7397.




Director, Labor Information System, Georgia Department of

Labor, 223 Courtland St., NE., Atlanta, GA 30303. Phone: (404)


Executive Director, Georgia Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Department of Labor, 148 International

Blvd., Sussex Place, Atlanta, GA 30303. Phone: (404) 656-9639.




Executive Director, Guam State Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Human Resource Development Agency, Jay

Ease Bldg., Third Floor, P.O. Box 2817, Agana, GU 96910. Phone:

(871) 646-9341.




Chief, Research and Statistics Office, Hawaii Department of

Labor and Industrial Relations, 830 Punchbowl St., Room 304,

Honolulu, HI 96813. Phone: (808) 548-7639.

Executive Director, Hawaii Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 830 Punchbowl St., Room 315, Honolulu,

HI 96813. Phone: (808) 548-3496.




Chief, Research and Analysis, Idaho Department of Employment,

317 Main St., Boise, ID 83735. Phone: (208) 334-6169.

Director, Idaho Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Len B. Jordan Bldg., Room 301, 650 West State St.,

Boise, ID 83720. Phone: (208) 334-3705.




Director, Economic Information and Analysis, Illinois

Department of Employment Security, 401 South State St., 2

South, Chicago, IL 60605. Phone: (312) 793-2316.

Executive Director, Illinois Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 217 East Monroe, Suite 203,

Springfield, IL 62706. Phone: (217) 785-0789.




Director, Labor Market Information, Indiana Department of

Employment and Training Services, 10 North Senate Ave.,

Indianapolis, IN 46204. Phone: (317) 232-8456.

Executive Director, Indiana Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 309 West Washington St., Room 309,

Indianapolis, IN 46204. Phone: (317) 232-8528.




Supervisor, Audit and Analysis Department, Iowa Department of

Employment Services, 1000 East Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA

50319. Phone: (515) 281-8181.

Executive Director, Iowa Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Iowa Department of Economic Development, 200 East

Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50309. Phone: (515) 242-4890.




Chief, Labor Market Information Services, Kansas Department of

Human Resources, 401 Topeka Ave., Topeka, KS 66603. Phone:

(913) 296-5058.

Director, Kansas Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 401 Topeka Ave., Topeka, KS 66603. Phone: (913)





Manager, Labor Market Research and Analysis, Kentucky

Department for Employment Services, 275 East Main St.,

Frankfort, KY 40621. Phone: (502) 564-7976.

Information Liaison/Manager, Kentucky Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 275 East Main St. - 1 East, Frankfort,

KY 40621-0001. Phone: (502) 564-4258.




Director, Research and Statistics Division, Louisiana

Department of Employment and Training, P.O. Box 94094, Baton

Rouge, LA 70804-9094. Phone: (504) 342-3141.

Coordinator, Louisiana Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, P.O. Box 94094, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9094. Phone:

(504) 342-5149.




Director, Division of Economic Analysis and Research, Maine

Department of Labor, Bureau of Employment Security, 20 Union

St., Augusta, ME 04330. Phone: (207) 289-2271.

Executive Director, Maine Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, State House Station 71, Augusta, ME 04333. Phone:

(207) 289-2331.




Director, Office of Labor Market Analysis and Information,

Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development,

1100 North Eutaw St., Room 601, Baltimore, MD 21201. Phone:

(301) 333-5000.

Coordinator, Maryland Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Department of Employment and Training, 1100 North

Eutaw St., Room 600, Baltimore, MD 21201. Phone: (301)





Director of Research, Massachusetts Division of Employment

Security, 19 Staniford St., 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02114. Phone:

(617) 727-6868.

Director, Massachusetts Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Massachusetts Division of Employment Security,

Charles F. Hurley Bldg., 2nd Floor, Government Center, Boston,

MA 02114. Phone: (617) 727-6718.




Director, Bureau of Research and Statistics, Michigan

Employment Security Commission, 7310 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI

48202. Phone: (313) 876-5445.

Executive Coordinator, Michigan Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Victor Office Center, Third Floor, 201

North Washington Square, Box 30015, Lansing, MI 48909. Phone:

(517) 373-0363.




Director, Research and Statistical Services, Minnesota

Department of Jobs and Training, 390 North Robert St., 5th

Floor, St. Paul, MN 55101. Phone: (612) 296-6546.

Director, Minnesota Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Minnesota Department of Economic Security, 690

American Center Bldg., 150 East Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN

55101. Phone: (612) 296-2072.




Chief, Labor Market Information Department, Mississippi

Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 1699, Jackson, MS

39215-1699. Phone: (601) 961-7424.

Acting Executive Director, Department of Economic and Community

Development, Labor Assistance Division, Mississippi

Occupational Information Coordinating Committee Office, 301

West Pearl St., Jackson, MS 39203-3089. Phone: (601) 949-2002.




Chief, Research and Analysis, Missouri Division of Employment

Security, P.O. Box 59, Jefferson City, MO 65104. Phone: (314)


Director, Missouri Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 421 East Dunklin St., Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Phone: (314) 751-3800.




Chief, Research and Analysis, Montana Department of Labor and

Industry, P.O. Box 1728, Helena, MT 59624. Phone: (406)


Program Manager, Montana Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, P.O. Box 1728, 1327 Lockey St., Second Floor,

Helena, MT 59624. Phone: (406) 444-2741.




Research Administrator, Labor Market Information, Nebraska

Department of Labor, 550 South 16th St., P.O. Box 94600,

Lincoln, NE 68509. Phone: (402) 471-9964.

Administrator, Nebraska Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, P.O. Box 94600, State House Station, Lincoln, NE

68509-4600. Phone: (402) 471-4845.




Chief, Employment Security Research, Nevada Employment Security

Department, 500 East Third St., Carson City, NV 89713. Phone:

(702) 687-4550.

Executive Director, Nevada Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 1923 North Carson St., Suite 211,

Carson City, NV 89710. Phone: (702) 687-4577.


New Hampshire


Director, Labor Market Information, New Hampshire Department of

Employment Security, 32 South Main St., Concord, NH 03301-4587.

Phone: (603) 228-4123.

Director, New Hampshire State Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 64B Old Suncook Rd., Concord, NH 03301.

Phone: (603) 228-3349.


New Jersey


Assistant Commissioner, Policy and Planning, New Jersey

Department of Labor, John Fitch Plaza, Room 1010, Trenton, NJ

08625-0056. Phone: (609) 292-2643.

Staff Director, New Jersey Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 1008 Labor and Industry Bldg., CN 056,

Trenton, NJ 08625-0056. Phone: (609) 292-2682.


New Mexico


Chief, Economic Research and Analysis Bureau, New Mexico

Department of Labor, 401 Broadway Boulevard, NE, P.O. Box 1928,

Albuquerque, NM 87103. Phone: (505) 841-8645.

Director, New Mexico Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Tiwa Bldg., 401 Broadway NE., P.O. Box 1928,

Albuquerque, NM 87103. Phone: (505) 841-8455.


New York


Director, Division of Research and Statistics, New York State

Department of Labor, State Campus, Bldg. 12, Room 400, Albany,

NY 12240-0020. Phone: (518) 457-6181.

Executive Director, New York Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Department of Labor, Research and

Statistics Division, State Campus, Bldg. 12, Room 400, Albany,

NY 12240. Phone: (518) 457-6182.


North Carolina


Director, Labor Market Information Division, North Carolina

Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 25903, Raleigh, NC

27611. Phone: (919) 733-2936.

Executive Director, North Carolina Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 1311 St. Mary's St., Suite 250, P.O.

Box 27625, Raleigh, NC 27611. Phone: (919) 733-6700.


North Dakota


Director, Research and Statistics, Job Service of North Dakota,

P.O. Box 1537, Bismarck, ND 58502. Phone: (701) 224-2868.

Coordinator, North Dakota Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 1600 East Interstate, Suite 14, P.O. Box 1537,

Bismarck, ND 58502-1537. Phone: (701) 224-2197.




Labor Market Information Division, Ohio Bureau of Employment

Services, 145 South Front St., Columbus, OH 43215. Phone: (614)


Director, Ohio Occupational Information Coordinating Committee,

Division of LMI, Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, 1160

Dublin Rd., Bldg. A, Columbus, OH 43215. Phone: (614) 644-2689.




Director, Research Division, Oklahoma Employment Security

Commission, 308 Will Rogers Memorial Ofc. Bldg., Oklahoma City,

OK 73105. Phone: (405) 557-7116.

Executive Director, Oklahoma Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Department of Voc/Tech Education, 1500

W. 7th Ave., Stillwater, OK 74074. Phone: (405) 743-5198.




Assistant Administrator for Research and Statistics, Oregon

Employment Division, 875 Union St. NE., Salem, OR 97311. Phone:

(503) 378-3220.

Executive Director, Oregon Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 875 Union St. NE., Salem, OR 97311.

Phone: (503) 378-8146.




Director, Research and Statistics Division, Pennsylvania

Department of Labor and Industry, 1216 Labor and Industry

Building, Harrisburg, PA 17121. Phone: (717) 787-3265.

Director, Pennsylvania Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, 1224

Labor and Industry Bldg., Harrisburg, PA 17120. Phone: (717)



Puerto Rico


Director, Research and Statistics Division, Puerto Rico

Department of Labor and Human Resources, 505 Munoz Rivera Ave.,

20th Floor, Hato Rey, PR 00918. Phone: (809) 754-5385.

Executive Director, Puerto Rico Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, 202 Del Cristo St., P.O. Box 6212, San

Juan, PR 00936-6212. Phone: (809) 723-7110.


Rhode Island


Administrator, Labor Market Information and Management

Services, Rhode Island Department of Employment and Training,

101 Friendship St., Providence, RI 02903-3740. Phone: (401)


Director, Rhode Island Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 22 Hayes St., Room 133, Providence, RI 02908. Phone:

(401) 272-0830.


South Carolina


Director, Labor Market Information, South Carolina Employment

Security Commission, P.O. Box 995, Columbia, SC 29202. Phone:

(803) 737-2660.

Director, South Carolina Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 1550 Gadsden St., P.O. Box 995, Columbia, SC 29202.

Phone: (803) 737-2733.


South Dakota


Director, Labor Information Center, South Dakota Department of

Labor, P.O. Box 4730, Aberdeen, SD 57402-4730. Phone: (605)


Director, South Dakota Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, South Dakota Department of Labor, 420 South

Roosevelt St., P.O. Box 4730, Aberdeen, SD 57402-4730. Phone:

(605) 622-2314.




Director, Research and Statistics Division, Tennessee

Department of Employment Security, 500 James Robertson Pkwy.,

11th Floor, Nashville, TN 37245-1000. Phone: (615) 741-2284.

Director, Tennessee Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 500 James Robertson Pkwy., 11th Floor Volunteer

Plaza, Nashville, TN 37219. Phone: (615) 741-6451.




Director, Economic Research and Analysis, Texas Employment

Commission, 15th and Congress Ave., Room 208T, Austin, TX

78778. Phone: (512) 463-2616.

Director, Texas Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Texas Employment Commission Building, Room 526T,

15th and Congress, Austin, TX 78778. Phone: (512) 463-2399.




Director, Labor Market Information and Research, Utah

Department of Employment Security, 140 East 300 South, P.O. Box

11249, Salt Lake City, UT 84147. Phone: (801) 536-7400.

Executive Director, Utah Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee-c/o Utah Department of Employment Security, P.O. Box

11249, 174 Social Hall Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84147-0249.

Phone: (801) 533-2274.




Director, Policy and Information, Vermont Department of

Employment and Training, 5 Green Mountain Dr., P.O. Box 488,

Montpelier, VT 05602. Phone: (802) 229-0311.

Director, Vermont Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, Green Mountain Dr., P.O. Box 488, Montpelier, VT

05601-0488. Phone: (802) 229-0311.




Director, Economic Information Service Division, Virginia

Employment Commission, P.O. Box 1358, Richmond, VA 23211.

Phone: (804) 786-7496.

Executive Director, Virginia Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, Virginia Employment Commission, 703

East Main St., P.O. Box 1358, Richmond, VA 23211. Phone: (804)



Virgin Islands


Chief, Research and Analysis, Virgin Islands Department of

Labor, P.O. Box 3159, St. Thomas, VI 00801. Phone: (809)


Coordinator, Virgin Islands Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, P.O. Box 3359, St. Thomas, VI 00801.

Phone: (809) 776-3700.




Labor Market Information, Washington Employment Security

Department, 212 Maple Park, Mail Stop KG-11, Olympia, WA

98504-5311. Phone: (206) 753-5114.

Director, Washington Occupational Information Coordinating

Committee, 212 Maple Park, MS KG-11, Olympia, WA 98504-5311.

Phone: (206) 438-4803.


West Virginia


Assistant Director, Labor and Economic Research, West Virginia

Bureau of Employment Programs, 112 California Ave., Charleston,

WV 25305-0112. Phone: (304) 348-2660.

Executive Director, West Virginia Occupational Information

Coordinating Committee, One Dunbar Plaza, Suite E, Dunbar, WV

25064. Phone: (304) 293-5314.




Director, Labor Market Information Bureau, Wisconsin Department

of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations, 201 East Washington

Ave., Room 221, P.O. Box 7944, Madison, WI 53707. Phone: (608)


Administrative Director, Wisconsin Occupational Information

Coordinating Council, Division of Employment and Training

Policy, 201 East Washington Ave., P.O. Box 7972, Madison, WI

53707. Phone: (608) 266-8012.




Manager, Research and Planning, Division of Administration,

Wyoming Department of Employment, P.O. Box 2760, Casper, WY

82602. Phone: (307) 235-3646.

Executive Director, Wyoming Occupational Information

Coordinating Council, Post Office Box 2760, 100 West Midwest,

Casper, WY 82602. Phone: (307) 235-3642.


Related Publications



Occupational Projections and Training Data, 1992 Edition


This supplement to the Occupational Outlook Handbook

provides the statistical and technical data supporting the

information presented in the Handbook. Education and training

planners, career counselors, and jobseekers can find valuable

information that ranks occupations by employment growth,

earnings, susceptibility to unemployment, separation rates, and

part-time work.



Outlook 1990-2005


Every 2 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics produces

detailed projections of the U.S. economy and labor force. This

bulletin presents the Bureau's latest analyses of economic and

industrial growth, the labor force, and trends in occupational

employment into the 21st century. An overview article focuses

on important issues raised by these projections.




At press time, prices for these publications were not

available. For prices and ordering information, contact any of

the Bureau of Labor Statistics Regional Offices listed on the

inside of the front cover, or the Division of Occupational

Outlook, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 20212.



New from BLS

Do you want to know more about work in industries?


* Number of jobs

* Geographic areas having the most jobs

* Size of establishments

* Goods and services produced

* Kinds of workers employed--what types of work is done

* Common working conditions and hazards

* Jobs that can be entered from high school; from college

* Jobs that do not require specialized education or training

* Opportunities for acquiring skills

* Prospects for upward mobility

* Long-term employment outlook

* Reasons for changing staffing patterns

* Earnings of key occupations


Then, don't miss this new publication!


Career Guide to Industries


Career Guide to Industries, BLS Bulletin 2403, was

produced by the same staff that prepares the Occupational

Outlook Handbook -- the Federal Government's premier career

guidance publication. This new book is a must for guidance

counselors, individuals planning their careers, job seekers,

and others who want the latest word on career information from

an industry perspective.
