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Helping Your Child Get Ready for School


with activities for children

from birth through age 5






This is the question we parents are always trying to

answer. It's good that children ask questions: that's the best

way to learn. All children have two wonderful resources for

learning--imagination and curiosity. As a parent, you can

awaken your children to the joy of learning by encouraging

their imagination and curiosity.

Helping Your Child Get Ready for School is one in a series

of books on different education topics intended to help you

make the most of your child's natural curiosity. Teaching and

learning are not mysteries that can only happen in school. They

also happen when parents and children do simple things


For instance, you and your child can: sort the socks on

laundry day--sorting is a major function in math and science;

cook a meal together--cooking involves not only math and

science but good health as well; tell and read each other

stories--storytelling is the basis for reading and writing (and

a story about the past is also history); or play a game of

hopscotch together--playing physical games will help your child

learn to count and start on a road to lifelong fitness.

By doing things together, you will show that learning is

fun and important. You will be encouraging your child to study,

learn, and stay in school.

All of the books in this series tie in with the National

Education Goals set by the President and the Governors. The

goals state that, by the year 2000: every child will start

school ready to learn; at least 90 percent of all students will

graduate from high school; each American student will leave the

4th, 8th, and 12th grades demonstrating competence in core

subjects; U.S. students will be first in the world in math and

science achievement; every American adult will be literate,

will have the skills necessary to compete in a global economy,

and will be able to exercise the rights and responsibilities of

citizenship; and American schools will be liberated from drugs

and violence so they can focus on learning.

This book is a way for you to help meet these goals. It

will give you a short rundown on facts, but the biggest part of

the book is made up of simple, fun activities for you and your

child to do together. Your child may even beg you to do them.

As U.S. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander has said:

The first teachers are the parents, both by example

and conversation. But don't think of it as teaching. Think

of it as fun.

So, let's get started. I invite you to find an activity in

this book and try it.

Diane Ravitch

Assistant Secretary and Counselor to the Secretary






Learning Begins Early

It Mean To Be Ready for School?


Birth to 1 Year

Developing Trust

Touch and See!

1 to 2 Years

Shop till You Drop

Puppet Magic

Moving On

2 to 3 Years

Read to Me!

Music Makers

Play Dough

3 to 4 Years

Kitchen Cut-Ups

Scribble, Paint, and Paste


4 to 5 Years

"Hands-on" Math

Getting Along

My Book

What About Kindergarten?


Good Television Habits

Choosing Child Care

Ready-for-School Checklist





This book has been made possible with help from the

following people who reviewed early drafts or provided

information and guidance: Teresa Grish, a Vienna, Virginia,

homemaker; Sharon Lynn Kagan, Yale University's Bush Center in

Child Development and Social Policy; Evelyn Moore, National

Black Child Development Institute, Inc.; Cynthia Newson,

Women's Educational Equity Act Publishing Center; Douglas

Powell, Purdue University; Heather Weiss, Harvard Family

Research Project; Barbara Wilier, National Association for the

Education of Young Children; E. Dollie Wolverton, U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services; Lisa Hoffman and Johna

Pierce, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Carolyn Pinney, a

Minneapolis, Minnesota, preschool teacher; Marilynn Taylor, a

St. Paul, Minnesota, freelance writer and editor; and many

individuals within the U.S. Department of Education.

Special thanks to Leo and Diane Dillon for their advice on

how to work with illustrators.



Nancy Paulu has been a writer and editor for the U.S.

Department of Education since 1986 and is the author of several

books on education reform for the Department. Previously, she

was an assistant editor of the Harvard Education Letter and a

newspaper reporter in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Quincy,

Massachusetts. She has also been a commentator and interviewer

on public television. She received her bachelor's degree from

Lawrence University and a master's degree in education from

Harvard as a Bush Leadership Fellow. She lives with her husband

and young daughter in Washington, DC.

Annie Lunsford has been a freelance illustrator since

1975. Her works include a Children's Hospital calendar, a book

for Ronald McDonald House, slide shows for the National

Institutes of Health, and a Christmas card for Ringling

Brothers. Her work has been recognized by The Advertising Club

of New York, the Society of Illustrators, and The Printing

Industry of America. Lunsford lives and works in Arlington,



Learning Begins Early


The road to success in school begins early. Good health,

loving relationships, and opportunities to learn all help

preschool children do well later in life. But many parents

wonder, "How can I give these things to my child?"

This book is for all of you who have asked this question.

It's for parents, grandparents, and others who want to know

what to do to help young children get ready for school.

Throughout the preschool years, you can do many simple things

to help your child grow, develop, and have fun learning. This


* Describes the qualities and skills that youngsters need to

get a good start in kindergarten;

* Tells what to expect from preschoolers each year from

birth to age 5;

* Suggests easy activities that help children grow and

develop; and

* Explains how to encourage enthusiasm toward school and

teachers and make it easier for children to adjust to


Special sections in the back of the book tell how to

monitor television viewing and find good programs; and explain

how to find suitable child care.

Parents and caregivers are busy people. Most of us have

many responsibilities: jobs outside the home, laundry to wash,

and groceries to buy. When we are tired and under stress, it's

often hard to feel we are being the best parents.



But however busy we may be, there are lots of things we

can do to help our children get ready for school--little things

that make a big difference. Many of them cost little or nothing

and can be done as you go about your daily routines.

Mothers and fathers aren't the only people who help

children get ready for school. Entire communities share this

job. Businesses, schools, government agencies, and religious

and civic organizations help out. So do day care providers,

doctors and other health professionals, elected officials,

relatives, and neighbors. But no one is more important than

parents, because life's most basic lessons are learned early

and at home. The first 5 years are when the groundwork for

future development is laid.




What Does It Mean To Be Ready for School?


There is no one quality or skill that children need to do

well in school, but a combination of things contributes to

success. These include good health and physical wellbeing,

social and emotional maturity, language skills, an ability to

solve problems and think creatively, and general knowledge

about the world.

As you go about helping your child develop in each of

these areas, remember

* Children develop at different rates, and

* Most children are stronger in some areas than in others.

Remember, too, that being ready for school depends partly

on what the school expects. One school may think it's very

important for children to sit quietly and know the alphabet.

Another may believe it's more important for children to get

along well with others.

Children who match the school's expectations may be

considered better prepared. You may want to visit your child's

school to learn what the principal and teachers expect and

discuss any areas of disagreement.

While schools may have different priorities, most

educators agree that the following areas are important for



Good Health and Physical Well-Being


Young children need nutritious food, enough sleep, safe

places to play, and regular medical care. These things help

children get a good start in life and lessen the chances that

they will later have serious health problems or trouble




Good health for children begins before birth with good

prenatal care. Visit a doctor or medical clinic throughout your

pregnancy. In addition, eat nourishing foods, avoid alcohol,

tobacco, and other harmful drugs, and get plenty of rest.

Pregnant women who don't take good care of themselves

increase their chances of giving birth to children who

* Are low in birth weight, making them more likely to have

lifelong health and learning problems;

* Develop asthma;

* Are mentally retarded;

* Develop speech and language problems;

* Have short attention spans; or

* Become hyperactive.

If your child already has some of these problems, it is a

good idea to consult your doctor, your school district, or

community agencies as soon as possible. Many communities have

free or inexpensive services to help you and your child.

Good health for children continues after birth with a

balanced diet. School-aged children can concentrate better in

class if they eat nutritionally balanced meals. These should

include breads, cereals, and other grain products; fruits;

vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives (such as eggs

and dried beans and peas); and milk, cheese, and yogurt. Avoid

too many fats and sweets.

Children aged 2-5 generally can eat the same foods as

adults but in smaller portions. Your child's doctor or clinic

can provide advice on feeding babies and toddlers under the age

of 2.

Federal, state, and local aid is available for parents who

need food in order to make sure their children get a balanced

diet. The federal nutrition program, called the Special

Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children

(WIC), distributes food to more than 5.4 million low-income

women and their children through about 8,200 service centers

across the country. Food stamps also are available for many

families with children. For information and to find out if you

are eligible, contact your local or state health department.

Preschoolers require regular medical and dental checkups

and immunizations. It's important to find a doctor or a clinic

where children can receive routine health care as well as

special treatment if they are sick or injured.

Children need immunizations beginning around the age of 2

months to prevent nine diseases: measles, mumps, German measles

(rubella), diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hib

(Haemophilus influenzae type b), polio, and tuberculosis. These

diseases can have serious effects on physical and mental

development. Regular dental checkups should begin at the latest

by the age of 3.

Preschoolers need opportunities to exercise and develop

physical coordination. To learn to control large muscles,

children need to throw balls, run, jump, climb, and dance to

music. To learn to control small muscles, particularly in the

hands and fingers, they need to color with crayons, put

together puzzles, use blunt-tipped scissors, and zip jackets.

In kindergarten, they will build upon these skills.



Parents of youngsters with disabilities should see a

doctor as soon as a problem is suspected. Early intervention

can help these children develop to their full potential.


Social and Emotional Preparation


Young children are often very excited about entering

school. But when they do, they can face an environment that's

different from what they are used to at home or even in

preschool. In kindergarten, they will need to work well in

large groups and get along with new adults and other children.

They will have to share the teacher's attention with other

youngsters. The classroom routines may also be different.

Most 5-year-olds do not start school with good social

skills or much emotional maturity. These take time and practice

to learn. However, children improve their chances for success

in kindergarten if they have had opportunities to begin

developing these qualities:

Confidence. Children must learn to feel good about

themselves and believe they can succeed. Confident children are

more willing to attempt new tasks--and try again if they don't

succeed the first time.

Independence. Children need to learn to do things for


Motivation. Children must want to learn.

Curiosity. Children are naturally curious and must remain

so in order to get the most out of learning opportunities.

Persistence. Children must learn to finish what they


Cooperation. Children must be able to get along with

others and learn to share and take turns.

Self-control. Preschoolers must understand that some

behaviors, such as hitting and biting, are inappropriate. They

need to learn that there are good and bad ways to express


Empathy. Children must learn to have an interest in others

and understand how others feel.

Parents, even more than child care centers and good

schools, help children develop these skills. Here are some ways

you can help your child acquire these positive qualities:

Youngsters must believe that, no matter what, someone will

look out for them. Show that you care about your children. They

thrive when they have parents or other caregivers who are

loving and dependable. Small children need attention,

encouragement, hugs, and plenty of lap time. Children who feel

loved are more likely to be confident.

Set a good example. Children imitate what they see others

do and what they hear others say. When parents exercise and eat

nourishing food, children are more likely to do so. When

parents treat others with respect, their children probably

will, too. If parents share things, their children will learn

to be thoughtful of others' feelings.

Have a positive attitude toward learning and toward

school. Children come into this world with a powerful need to

discover and to explore. Parents need to encourage this

curiosity if children are to keep it. Enthusiasm for what

children do ("You've drawn a great picture!") helps to make

them proud of their achievements.



Children also become excited about school when their

parents show excitement. As your child approaches kindergarten,

talk to him about school. Talk about the exciting activities in

kindergarten, such as going on field trips and making fun art

projects. Be enthusiastic as you describe what he will learn in

school--how to read and measure and weigh things, for example.

Provide opportunities for repetition. It takes practice to

crawl, pronounce new words, or drink from a cup. Children don't

get bored when they repeat things. Instead, repeating things

until they are learned helps youngsters build the confidence

needed to try something new.

Use appropriate discipline. All children need to have

limits set for them. Children whose parents give firm but

loving discipline are generally more skilled socially and do

better in school than children whose parents set too few or too

many limits. Here are some tips.

* Direct children's activities, but don't make unnecessary

restrictions or try to dominate.

* Offer reasons when asking your child to do something (For

example, say, "Please move the toy truck off the stairs so

no one falls over it"--not, "Do it because I said so.").

* Listen to your children to find out how they feel and

whether they need any special support.

* Show love and respect when you are angry. Criticize a

child's behavior but not the child (For example, say, "I

love you, but it is not okay for you to draw pictures on

the walls. I get angry when you do that.").

* Help your children make choices and work out problems (You

might ask your 4-year-old, "What can we do to keep Kevin

from knocking over your blocks?").



* Be positive and encouraging. Praise your child for a job

well done. Smiles and encouragement go much further to

shape good behavior than harsh punishment.

Let children do many things by themselves. Young children

need to be closely watched. But they learn to be independent

and to develop confidence by doing tasks such as dressing

themselves and putting their toys away. It's also important to

let them make choices, rather than deciding everything for

them. Remember to give them a choice only when there really is


Encourage your children to play with other children and be

with adults who are not family members. Preschoolers need these

social opportunities to learn to see the point of view of

others. Young children are more likely to get along with

teachers and classmates if they already have had experiences

with different adults and children.


Language and General Knowledge


Kindergarteners participate in many activities that

require them to use language and to solve problems. Children

who can't or don't communicate easily may have problems in

school. There are many things you can do to help children learn

to communicate, solve problems, and develop an understanding of

the world. You can

Give your child opportunities to play. Play is how

children learn. It is the natural way for them to explore, to

become creative, and to develop academic and social skills.

Play helps them learn to solve problems--for example, a wagon

tips over, and children must figure out how to get it upright

again. Children learn about geometry, shapes, and balance when

they stack up blocks. Playing with others helps children learn

how to negotiate.



Talk to your children, beginning at birth. Babies need to

hear your voice. A television or the radio can't take the place

of your voice because it doesn't respond to coos and babbles.

The more you talk to your baby, the more he will have to talk

about as he gets older. Talking with children broadens their

understanding of language and of the world.

Everyday activities, such as eating dinner or taking a

bath, provide opportunities to talk, sometimes in detail, about

what's happening and respond to your child. "First let's stick

the plug in the drain. Now we'll turn on the water. I see you

want to put your rubber duck in the bathtub. That's a good

idea. Look, it's yellow, just like the rubber duck on 'Sesame


Listen to your children. Children have their own special

thoughts and feelings, joys and sorrows, hopes and fears. As

their language skills develop, encourage them to talk.

Listening is the best way to learn what's on their minds and to

discover what they know and don't know, and how they think and

learn. It also shows children that their feelings and ideas are


Answer questions and ask questions, particularly ones that

require more than a "yes" or "no" response. While walking in a

park, for example, most 2- and 3-year-olds will stop to pick up

leaves. You might point out how the leaves are the same, and

how they are different. With older children you might ask,

"What else grows on trees?"

Questions can help children learn to compare and classify

things. Answer your children's questions thoughtfully and,

whenever possible, encourage them to answer their own

questions. If you don't know the answer to a question, say so.

Then together with your child try to find the answer.



Read aloud to your children every day. Reading can begin

with babies and continue throughout the preschool years. Even

though they don't understand the story or the poem, reading

together gives children a chance to learn about language, enjoy

the sound of your voice, and be close to you. You don't have to

be an excellent reader for your child to enjoy this time

together. You may also want to take your child to a local

library that offers special story hours.

Make reading materials available. Children develop an

interest in language and in reading much sooner if they have

books and other reading materials around their homes.

Monitor television viewing. Next to parents, television

may be our children's most influential teacher. Good television

can introduce children to new worlds and promote learning, but

poor or too much TV can be harmful.

Be realistic about your children's abilities and

interests. Children usually do best in school when parents

estimate their abilities correctly. Parents must set high

standards and encourage their preschoolers to try new things.

Children who aren't challenged become bored. But ones who are

pushed along too quickly, or are asked to do things that don't

interest them, can become frustrated and unhappy.

Try to keep your children from being labeled. Labels such

as "dumb" or "stupid" have a powerful effect on a child's

confidence and school performance. Remember to praise your

child for a job well done.



Provide opportunities to do and see things. The more

varied the experiences that children have, the more they learn

about the world. No matter where you live, your community can

provide new experiences. Go for walks in your neighborhood, or

go places on the bus. Visit museums, libraries, zoos, and other

community resources.

If you live in the city, spend a day in the country (or if

you live in the country, spend a day in the city). Let your

children hear and make music, dance, and paint. Let them

participate in activities that help to develop their

imaginations and let them express their ideas and feelings. The

following activities can provide your children with these






The activities in this section are simple and are designed

to prepare children for school. Most of them grow out of the

routine things parents do everyday.

Each section is organized by ages. An age grouping begins

with "What to expect"--a list of qualities and behaviors

typical of these children. This is followed by "What they

need"--a list of things that help these children grow and

learn. In a box near the end of each activity are explanations

for those who want them. As you go through this section, it is

good to remember these points:

Children learn at their own pace. Most move through

similar developmental stages, but they have their own

timetables. Therefore, the "What to expect" and the "What they

need" sections, as well as the ages suggested for the

activities, will vary from child to child. An activity listed

for a youngster between the ages of 2 and 3 may be fine for one

who is younger. Or it may not interest another until he has

passed his third birthday.

Some of these activities, while listed under a particular

age, are important for all young children. Reading and

listening to music, for example, can benefit children from the

time they are born. By modifying an activity, you can enable

your child to continue to enjoy it as he grows and develops.

The symbols next to the activities can guide you.



for an infant (birth to 1)



for a toddler (ages 2 to 3)



for a preschooler (ages 4 to 5).



Find activities that interest your child. If the one you

picked out is too hard, your child may get discouraged. If it's

too easy, he may get bored. Or if your child seems

uninterested, try another time. Often children's interests

change as they grow and develop. Try to give toddlers and older

children a choice of activities so they learn to think for


The activities are meant to be fun. Be enthusiastic and

avoid lecturing to preschoolers on what they are learning. If

your child enjoys the activity, his excitement for learning

will increase.

Finally, be sure to make safety a top priority. With that

caution in mind, flip through the following pages and find some

activities that you and your child can enjoy together.



Birth to 1 Year


What to expect


Babies grow and change dramatically during their first

year. They begin to

* Develop some control over their bodies. They learn to hold

up their heads; roll over; sit up; crawl; stand up; and,

in some cases, walk.

* Become aware of themselves as separate from others. They

learn to look at their hands and toes and play with them.

They learn to cry when parents leave, and they recognize

their name.

* Communicate and develop language skills. First babies cry

and make throaty noises. Later they babble and say mama

and dada. Then they make lots of sounds and begin to name

a few close people and objects.

* Play games. First they play with their hands. Later they

show an interest in toys, enjoy "putting in and taking

out" games, and eventually carry around or hug dolls or

stuffed toys.

* Relate to others. First they respond to adults more than

to other babies. Later they notice other babies but tend

to treat them like objects instead of people. Then they

pay attention when other babies cry.


What they need


Babies require

* A loving caregiver who can respond to their cries and


* Someone who gets to know their special qualities;

* Someone to keep them safe and comfortable;

* Opportunities to move about and practice new physical


* Safe objects to look at, bat, grab, bang, pat, roll, and


* Safe play areas; and

* Opportunities to hear language and to make sounds.



Developing Trust



Newborn babies need to become attached to at least one

person who provides security and love. This first and most

basic emotional attachment is the start for all human



What you'll need


Loving arms



What to do


1. Include happy rituals in your baby's schedule. For

example, at bedtime, sing the same song every night, rock

her, or rub her tummy.

2. Pick up your crying baby promptly. Try to find out what's

wrong. Is she hungry?. Wet? Bored? Too hot? Crying is your

baby's way of communicating. By comforting her you send

the message that language has a purpose and that someone

wants to understand.

3. Gently move your newborn's arms and legs. Or tickle her

lightly under the chin or on the tummy. When she starts to

control her head, lie on the floor and put her on your

chest. Let her reach for your nose or grab your hair. Talk

to her and name each thing she touches.

4. Sing and cuddle with your baby. Hold her snuggled in your

arms or lying face up on your lap with her head on your

knees. Make sure the head of a newborn is well-supported.

Sing a favorite lullaby.

To entertain your baby, sing an active song. For example:

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, and you want the world to

know it,

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you don't know lullabies or rhymes for babies, make up

your own!

5. Dance with your baby. To soothe her when she's upset, put

her head on your shoulder and hum softly or listen to

recorded music as you glide around the room. To amuse her

when she's cheerful, try a bouncy tune.





Feeling your touch, hearing your voice, and enjoying the

comfort of physical closeness all help a baby to develop trust.


Touch and See!







Babies are hard at work whenever they are awake, trying to

learn all about the world. To help them learn, they need many

different safe things to play with and inspect. Objects you

have around your home offer many possibilities.


What you'll need


A splinter-free wooden spoon with a face drawn on the bowl

Different textured fabrics, such as velvet, cotton, corduroy,

terry cloth, satin, burlap, and fake fur

An empty toilet paper or paper towel roll

Pots, pans, and lids

An old purse or basket with things to put in and take out

Measuring cups and spoons

Boxes and plastic containers

Large spools

Noisemakers (rattles, keys, a can filled with beans)


What to do


1. Put one or two of the items to the left in a safe play

area where your baby can reach them (more than two may

confuse him).

2. Let your baby look at, touch, and listen to a variety of

objects. Ones that are brightly colored, have interesting

textures, and make noises are particularly good. Be sure

that any item you give your baby will be safe in his

mouth, since that's where it probably will end up.

3. Use these items for all age groups. Many of them will

continue to interest toddlers and older preschoolers. For

example, babies love to inspect a paper towel roll. But

with a 4-year-old, it can become a megaphone for talking

or singing, a telescope, or a tunnel for a toy car.





Babies begin to understand how the world works when they

see, touch, hold, and shake things. Inspecting things also

helps them coordinate and strengthen their hand muscles.


1 to 2 Years



What to expect


Children this age are

* Energetic (walk more steadily, run, push, pull, take

apart, carry, and climb on and grab things);

* Self-centered; and

* Busy (like to flip light switches, pour things in and out

of containers, unwrap packages, and empty drawers).

Between their first and second birthdays, they

* Like to imitate the sounds and actions of others (by

pretending to do housework or yardwork, for example);

* Want to be independent and do it themselves (and express

this by saying "No!");

* Can be clingy;

* Can have relatively short attention spans if not involved

in an activity;

* Add variations to theft physical skills (by walking

backwards or sideways, for example);

* Begin to see how they are like and unlike other children;

* Become more sensitive to the moods of others;

* Play alone or alongside other toddlers; and

* Increase their vocabularies from about 2 or 3 words to

about 250 words and understand more of what people say to



What they need


Children this age require

* A safe environment for exploring;

* Opportunities to make their own choices ("Do you want the

red cup or the blue one?");

* Clear and reasonable limits;

* Opportunities to use big muscles (in the arms and legs,

for example);

* Opportunities to manipulate small objects, such as puzzles

and stackable toys;

* Activities that allow them to touch, taste, smell, hear,

and see new things;

* Chances to learn about "cause and effect"--that things

they do produce certain results (when a stack of blocks

gets too high it will fall over);

* Opportunities to develop and practice their language

skills; and

* Chances to learn about kindness and caring.



Shop till You Drop







Shopping is just one of many routines that can help your

child learn. lt's especially good for teaching new words and

introducing preschoolers to new people and places.


What you'll need


A short shopping list



Shopping is one of many ways to surround children with

meaningful talk. They need to hear a lot of words in order to

learn to communicate themselves. It's particularly helpful when

you talk about the "here and now"--things that are going on in

front of your child.


What to do


1. Pick a time when neither you nor your child is hungry or


2. At the grocery store, put your child in the grocery cart

so that he faces you. Take your time as you walk up and

down the aisles.

3. Talk about what you are seeing and doing: "First, we're

going to buy some cereal. See, it's in a big red and blue

box. Listen to the great noise it makes when I shake the

box. Can you shake the box? Now we're going to pay for the

groceries. We'll put them on the counter while I get out

the money. The cashier will tell us how much we have to


4. Let your child feel the items you buy--a cold carton of

milk, for example, or the skin of an orange. Talk to your

child about the items. "The skin of the orange is rough

and bumpy. Can Rochelle feel the skin?"

5. Be sure to name objects you see on a shopping trip.

6. Let your child touch a soft sweater or try on a hat or a

mitten. Find a mirror so he can see himself. Talk as you

go. "Feel how soft the sweater is. Who's that in the

mirror? Is that Andre?"

7. Let your child practice his "hi's" and "bye-byes" on

clerks and other shoppers on your outings.

8. Keep talking, keep moving, and let your child "help." "In

this store we need to buy some buttons. You can hold the

cloth next to the buttons so I can find the right color."

Putting your toddler's hands in the right position can

help him learn to understand your directions.

9. Leave for home before your child gets grumpy.



Puppet Magic





Puppets can be fascinating. Children know that puppets are

not alive. And yet, they move and talk like real living things.

Try making one at home.


What you'll need

An old clean sock

Buttons (larger than 1 inch in diameter to prevent swallowing)

Needle and thread

Red fabric


An old glove

Felt-tipped pens

Nontoxic glue




What to do


1. Sock puppet. Use an old clean sock. Sew on buttons for

eyes and nose. Paste or sew on a piece of red fabric for

the mouth. Put a bow made from ribbon at the neck.

2. Finger puppets. Cut the ends off the fingers of an old

glove. Draw faces on the fingers with felttipped pens.

Glue yarn on for hair.

3. Have the puppet talk to your child. "Hello. My name is

Tanya. What a great T-shirt you have on! I like the rabbit

on the front of your T-shirt." Or have the puppet sing a

simple song. Change your voice when the puppet talks or


4. Encourage your child to speak to the puppet.

5. Put finger puppets on your child to give him practice

moving his fingers one at a time.

6. The next time you want help cleaning up, have the puppet

make the request: "Hello, Maria. Let's put these crayons

back in the box and these toys back on the shelves. Can

you get me the ball?"





Puppets provide another opportunity to talk to children

and encourage them to speak. They also help children learn new

words, use their imaginations, and develop their hand and

finger coordination. Children will make many mistakes when they

learn to talk. Instead of correcting them directly, reply by

using the right grammar. For example, if your child says,

"Michael done it," reply, "Yes, David, Michael did it." Speak

slowly and clearly so that your child can imitate your speech.

Use full, but short sentences, and avoid baby talk.


Moving On





Toddlers love to explore spaces and climb over, through,

and into things.


What you'll need


Stuffed animal or toy

Large cardboard boxes


A large sheet

A soft ball

A large plastic laundry basket




What to do


1. Pillow jump. Give your toddler some pillows to jump into.

Toddlers usually figure out how to do this one on their


2. Box car. Give your toddler a large box to push around the

room. He may want to take his stuffed animal or toy for a

ride in it. If the box isn't too high--you'll most likely

find your toddler in there, too!

3. Basketball. Sit about 3 feet away from your toddler and

hold out a large plastic laundry basket. Let him try

throwing a ball into the basket.

4. Table tent. Cover a table with a sheet that's big enough

to reach the ground on all sides. This makes a great

playhouse that's particularly good for a rainy day. Watch

out for bumped heads!

5. Jingle bells. Sew bells onto elastic that will fit

comfortably around your child's ankles. Then watch (and

listen to) the fun while he moves about or jumps up and




These skills help children gain control over their large

muscles. They also help children learn important concepts such

as up, down, inside, outside, over, and under.


2 to 3 Years


What to expect


Children this age are

* Becoming more aware of others and their own feelings;

* Often stubborn and may have temper tantrums;

* Developing a great interest in other children and enjoy

being near them (although they are usually selfcentered);

* Able to jump, hop, roll, and climb;

* Developing an interest in pretend play--playing at keeping

house, for example, or pretending to cook and care for a


* Expanding their vocabularies (from about 250 to 1,000

words during the year); and

* Putting together 2, 3, and 4-word sentences.


What they need


Children this age require opportunities to

* Develop hand coordination (with puzzles or large beads to

string or by scribbling, for example);

* Do more things for themselves, such as putting on


* Sing, talk, and develop their language;

* Play with other children;

* Try out different ways to move their bodies; and

* Do things in the community, such as taking walks and

visiting libraries, museums, informal restaurants, parks,

beaches, and zoos.



Read to Me!







The single most important way for children to develop the

knowledge they need to succeed in reading is for you to read

aloud to them--beginning early.


What you'll need


Good books

A children's dictionary (preferably a sturdy one)

Paper, pencils, crayons, markers



What to do


1. Read aloud to your child every day. From birth to 6 months

your baby probably won't understand what you're reading,

but that's okay. You can get her used to the sound of your

voice and used to seeing and touching books.

2. To start out, use board books with no words or just a few

words. Point to the colors and the pictures and say their

names. Simple books can teach children things that will

later help them learn to read. For example, they learn

about the structure of language--that there are spaces

between the words and that the print goes from left to


3. Tell stories. Encourage your child to ask questions and

talk about the story. Ask her to predict what will come

next. Point to things in books that she can relate to in

her own life: "Look at the picture of the penguin. Do you

remember the penguin we saw at the zoo?"

4. Look for reading programs. If you aren't a good reader,

programs in your community like Even Start can provide

opportunities for you to improve your own reading and to

read with your child. Friends and relatives can also read

to your child, and senior citizen volunteers are available

in many communities to do the same.

5. Buy a children's dictionary--if possible, one that has

pictures next to the words. Then start the "let's look it

up" habit.

6. Make writing materials available.

7. Watch educational TV. Programs such as "Sesame Street" and

"Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" help your child learn the

alphabet and the sounds they represent.

8. Visit the library often. Begin making weekly trips to the

library when your child is very young. See that your child

gets a library card as soon as possible. Many libraries

issue cards to children as soon as they can print their

names (you'll have to countersign for them).

9. Read yourself. What you do sets an example for your child.



The ability to read and understand makes for better

students and leads to better job opportunities and a lifetime

of enjoyment.



Music Makers







Music is a way to communicate that all children

understand. It's not necessary for them to follow the words to

a song. It makes them happy just to hear the comfort in your

voice or on the recording or to dance to a peppy tune.


What you'll need


Your voice


Music makers (rattles, a can filled with beans or buttons,

empty toilet paper rolls, pots, pans, plastic bowls)



What to do


1. Sing a lullaby to a cranky infant.

2. As children approach their first birthdays, they begin to

like making music themselves. Have them try banging a

wooden spoon on pots, pans, or plastic bowls; shaking a

large rattle or shaking a plastic container filled with

beans, buttons, or other noisy items (make sure the

container is securely closed); and blowing through empty

toilet paper rolls.

3. As toddlers pass their first birthdays, they can actively

participate in nursery rhymes, even if they can't recite

the words. They can imitate hand movements, clap, or hum


4. As preschoolers become more physically coordinated,

encourage them to move to the music. They can twirl, spin,

jump up and down, tiptoe, or sway.

5. Here are some tips for getting young children to sing:

* Sing yourself. Sing fairly slowly so children join in and

enjoy themselves. Discourage shouting.

* Start with simple chanting. Pick a simple melody, such as

"Mary Had a Little Lamb," and sing "la, la, la." Add the

words later.





Introduce music to your children early. Listening to you

sing will help them learn to make their voices go up and

down--even if you can't carry a tune! Music and dance teach

preschoolers to listen, to coordinate hand and finger

movements, and to express themselves creatively.


Play Dough







Young children love to play with dough. And no wonder!

They can squish and pound it and form it into fascinating

shapes. Here's a recipe to make at home.


What you'll need


2 cups flour

1 cup salt

4 teaspoons cream of tartar

2 cups water

2 tablespoons cooking oil

Food coloring

Food extracts (almond, vanilla, lemon, or peppermint)

1 medium saucepan

Things to stick in the dough (popsicle sticks, straws)

Things to pound with (like a toy mallet)

Things to make impressions with (jar lids, cookie cutters,

or bottle caps)


What to do


1. Add the food coloring to the water. Then mix all of the

ingredients together in a pan.

2. Cook over medium heat, stirring until it forms a soft


3. Let the mixture cool. Knead slightly. Add food extracts to

different chunks of the dough if you want different


4. Give some to your toddler or preschooler, so he can pound

it, stick things in it, make impressions in it, and create

all kinds of things.



Play dough is a great way to develop hand muscles and be

creative. And cooking together, with all the measuring, is the

perfect way to begin learning mathematics. Letting your child

handle some dough while it is still slightly warm and some when

it has cooled off is a terrific way to teach him about

temperatures. Play dough can be made ahead of time and stored

in an air-tight bag or container.


3 to 4 Years


What to expect


Children this age

* Start to play with other children, instead of next to


* Are more likely to take turns and share;

* Are friendly and giving;

* Begin to understand that other people have feelings an d


* Like silly humor, riddles, and practical jokes;

* Like to please and to conform;

* Generally become more cooperative and enjoy new


* Are increasingly self-reliant and probably can dress

without help (except for buttons and shoelaces);

* May develop fears ("Mommy, there's a monster under my

bed.") and have imaginary companions,

* Are more graceful physically than 2-year-olds and love to

run, skip, jump with both feet, catch a ball, climb

downstairs, and dance to music;

* Are great talkers, speak in sentences, and continue to add

more words to their vocabularies; and

* Have greater control over hand and arm muscles, which is

reflected in their drawings and scribblings.


What they need


Children this age require opportunities to

* Develop their blooming language abilities through books,

games, songs, science, and art activities;

* Develop more self-help skills--for example, to dress and

undress themselves;

* Draw with crayons, work puzzles, build things, and


* Play with other children so they can learn to listen, take

turns, and share; and

* Develop more physical coordination--for example, by

hopping on both feet.



Kitchen Cut-Ups







Here are some recipes popular with preschoolers. Things

always seem to taste better when you make them yourself!


What you'll need



For applewiches: 1 apple, cheese slices

For funny-face sandwich: 1 piece of bread; peanut butter,

cream cheese, or egg salad; green pepper, celery,

radishes, carrot curls; olives; nuts; hard-boiled egg

slices; tiny shapes of cheese; apples and raisins

For fruit Popsicles: fruit juice (any kind), an ice cube

tray or small paper cups, yogurt, mashed or crushed fruit,

Popsicle sticks

For bumps on a log: celery, peanut butter, raisins


What to do


1. Choose a safe spot to cook where you won't have to worry

about making a mess.

2. Tell your child what the ingredients are. Talk about what

you are doing as you go along. Ask and answer questions.

3. Let him smell, taste, and touch as you go. Let him (with

your help) pour, stir, measure, and help clean up.

4. Applewiches. Core an apple. Cut the apple crosswise into

thick slices. Put cheese slices between the slices.

Cheddar cheese is particularly good. Eat like a sandwich.

5. Funny-face sandwich. Cut the bread into a circle. Spread

with cream cheese, peanut butter, or egg salad. Decorate

using green pepper, celery, radishes, carrot curls,

olives, nuts, hard-boiled egg slices, tiny shapes of

cheese, apples, or raisins for eyes, ears, nose, and


6. Fruit Popsicles. Pour the fruit juice into small paper

cups or an ice cube tray. Place a Popsicle stick in each

cup or compartment before the juice is completely frozen.

Return to the freezer until frozen solid. For variations,

mix yogurt with the juice before freezing for a creamier

Popsicle, or add mashed or crushed fruit such as

strawberries, pineapple, or banana.

7. Bumps on a log. Spread peanut butter on the celery stalks.

Decorate with raisins. Great snacks!





Cooking helps children learn new words, measuring and

number skills, what foods are healthy and what ones aren't, and

the importance of completing what they begin. It also teaches

about how things change, and it can teach children to reason

better. ("If I want a cold fruit juice Popsicle, then I'll have

to put it in the freezer.")


Scribble, Paint, and Paste







Young children are natural artists. Here are some

activities that introduce preschoolers to scribbling, painting,

and pasting.


What you'll need


For scribbling: crayons, water-soluble felt-tipped markers,

different kinds of paper (including construction

paper, butcher paper), and tape

For fingerpainting: storebought fingerpaint or homemade

fingerpaint made with soap flakes, water, food coloring or

powdered tempera; an eggbeater or fork; a bowl; a spoon;

an apron or smock; newspapers or a large piece of plastic

to cover the floor or table; butcher paper; and tape

For collages: paper, paste, blunt-tipped scissors, fabric scraps

or objects that can be glued to paper (string, cottonballs,

sticks, yarn)


What to do


1. Scribbling. Give your child different kinds of paper and

different writing materials to scribble with. Coloring

books are not needed. Fat crayons are good to begin with.

Water-soluble felt-tipped marking pens are fun because

your child doesn't have to use much pressure to get a

bright color. Tape a large piece of butcher paper onto a

table top and let your preschooler scribble to her heart's


2. Fingerpainting. Use store-bought fingerpaint, or make your

own by mixing soap flakes (not detergent) in a bowl with a

small amount of water. Beat the mixture with a fork or

eggbeater. Add powdered tempera paint or food coloring.

Spread out newspapers or a large piece of plastic over a

table or on the floor and tape a big piece of construction

paper or butcher paper on top. Cover your child with a

large smock or apron, and let her fingerpaint.

3. Collages. Have your child paste fabric scraps or other

objects such as yarn, string, or cottonballs to the paper

(in any pattern). Let her feel the different textures and

tell you about them.

Here are a few tips about introducing your preschoolers to


* Supervise carefully. Some children would rather color your

walls than the paper. Some also like to chew on crayons

and markers or try to drink the paint.

* Don't tell them what to draw or paint.

* Don't fix up their pictures. It will take lots of practice

before you can recognize their pictures--and that often

doesn't happen until after they are in kindergarten.

* Give them lots of different materials to work with.

Parents can demonstrate new types of art materials.

* Find an art activity that's at the right level for your

child, then let him do as much of the project as possible.

* Ask your preschooler to talk about his picture.

* Display your child's art prominently in your home.





Art projects can spark young imaginations and help

children to express themselves. These projects also help

children to develop the eye and hand coordination they will

later need to learn to write.









Any household task can become a good learning game and can

be fun.


What you'll need


Jobs around the home that need to get done, such as:

Doing the laundry

Washing and drying dishes

Carrying out the garbage

Setting the dinner table



What to do


1. Tell your child about the job you will do together.

Explain why the family needs the job done. Describe how

you will do it and how your child can help.

2. Teach your child new words that belong to each job. "Let's

put the placemats on the table, along with the napkins."

3. Doing laundry together provides many opportunities to

learn. Ask your child to help you remember all the clothes

that need to be washed. See how many things he can name.

Socks? Tshirts? Pajamas? Have him help you gather all the

dirty clothes. Have your child help you make piles of

light and dark colors.

Show your child how to measure out the soap, and have him

pour the soap into the machine. Let him put the items into

the machine, naming them. Keep out one sock. When the

washer is filled with water, take out a sock. Let your

child hold the wet sock and the one you kept out. Ask him

which one feels heavier and which one feels lighter. After

the wash is done, have your child sort his own things into

piles that are the same (for example, T-shirts, socks).



Home chores can help children learn new words, how to

listen and follow directions, how to count, and how to sort.

Chores can also help children improve their physical

coordination and learn responsibility.


4 to 5 Years


What to expect


Children this age

* Are active and have lots of energy;

* May be aggressive in their play;

* Can show extremes from being loud and adventurous to

acting shy and dependent;

* Enjoy more group activities because they have longer

attention spans;

* Like making faces and being silly;

* May form cliques with friends and can be bossy;

* May change friendships quickly;

* May brag and engage in name-calling during play;

* May experiment with swear words and bathroom words;

* Can be very imaginative and like to exaggerate;

* Have better control in running, jumping, and hopping but

tend to be clumsy;

* Are great talkers and questioners; and

* Love to use words in rhymes, nonsense, and jokes.


What they need


Children this age need opportunities to

* Experiment and discover within limits;

* Use blunt-tipped scissors, crayons, and put together

simple jigsaw puzzles;

* Practice outdoor play activities;

* Develop their growing interest in academic things, such as

science and mathematics, and activities that involve

exploring and investigating;

* Group items that are similar (for example, by size);

* Stretch their imaginations and curiosity; and

* See how reading and writing are useful (for example, by

listening to stories and poems, dictating stories, and by

talking with other children and adults).



"Hands-on" Math







Real-life, hands-on activities are the best way to

introduce your preschooler to mathematics!


What you'll need




Dice or dominoes


What to do


1. Talk a lot about numbers and use number concepts in daily

routines with your preschooler. For example:

* Cooking. "Let's divide the cookie dough into two parts so

we can bake some now and put the rest into the freezer."

* Home projects. "We're going to hang this picture 6 inches

above the bookshelf in your room."

* Home chores. "How many plates do we need on the table? One

for Mommy, one for Daddy, and one for Jenny."



It's best not to use drills or arithmetic worksheets with

young children. These can make children dislike math because

they don't fit with the way they learn math naturally.

2. Talk about numbers that matter most to your

preschooler--her age, her address, her phone number, her

height and weight. Focusing on these personal numbers

helps your child learn many important math concepts,


* Time (hours, days, months, years; older, younger;

yesterday, today, tomorrow). To a young child, you might

say, "At 2 o'clock we will take a nap." When you plan with

an older preschooler (4 or 5 years old), you could point

out, "It's only 3 days until we go to Grandma's house.

Let's put an X on the calendar so we'll know the day we're


* Lengths (inches, feet; longer, taller, shorter). "this

ribbon is too short to go around the present for Aunt

Susan. Let's cut a longer ribbon."

* Weight (ounces, pounds, grams; heavier, lighter; how to

use scales). "You already weigh 30 pounds. I can hardly

lift such a big girl."

* Where you live (addresses, telephone numbers). "These

shiny numbers on our apartment door are 2-1-4. We live in

apartment number 214." Or "When you go to play at Terry's

house, take this note along with you. It's our phone

number: 253-6711. Some day soon you will know our phone

number so you can call me when you are at your friend's."

3. Provide opportunities for your child to learn math. For


* Blocks can teach children to classify objects by color and

shape. Blocks can also help youngsters learn about depth,

width, height, and length.

* Games that have scoring, such as throwing balls into a

basket, require children to count. Introduce games such as

dominoes or rolling dice. Have your child roll the dice

and count the dots. Let her try to roll for matches. Count

favorite toys.

* Books often have number themes or ideas.



Getting Along





Learning to get along with others is very important.

Children who are kind, helpful, patient, and loving generally

do better in school.


What you'll need


No materials required



What to do


1. Let your child know that you are glad to be his mommy or

daddy. Give him personal attention and encouragement. Set

aside time when you and your child can do fun things

together. Your happy feelings toward your child will help

him feel good about himself.

2. Set a good example. Show your preschooler what it means to

get along with others and to be respectful. Say "please"

and "thank you." Treat people in ways that show you care

what happens to them. Ask for things in a friendly way. Be

kind to and patient with other people.

3. Help your child find ways to solve conflicts with others.

Help your child figure out what will happen if he tries to

settle his mad feelings by hitting a playmate: "James, I

know that Tiffany took your toy truck. But if you hit

Tiffany and you have a big fight, then Tiffany will have

to go home, and the two of you won't be able to play any

more today. What is another way that you can let Tiffany

know you want your truck back?"

James might decide to tell Tiffany that he's mad, and that

he wants his truck back. Or he might let Tiffany play with

his truck for 5 minutes with the hope that Tiffany will

then give it back. Listening to your children's problems

will often be all that is needed for them to solve their

own problems.

4. Make opportunities to share and to care. Let your child

take charge of providing food for hungry birds. When a new

family moves into the neighborhood, let your preschooler

help make cookies to welcome them.

5. Be physically affectionate. Children need hugs, kisses, an

arm over the shoulder, and a pat on the back.

6. Tell your child that you love him. Don't assume that your

loving actions will speak for themselves (although those

are very important). Teach your child the international

hand sign for "I love you." You can "sign" each other love

as your child leaves home for the first day of






Children need good social skills. Teachers and other

children will enjoy your youngster's company if he gets along

well with others.


My Book





Most 4-year-olds like to talk and have a lot to say. They

generally can't write down words themselves, but they enjoy

dictating a story to you.


What you'll need



A paper punch

Blunt-tipped scissors

Pencil, pen, crayons

Yarn, pipe cleaners, or staples




What to do


1. Make a booklet of five or six pages. Your child can help

punch holes close to one edge and thread yarn through the

holes to keep the pages together. You can also bind the

book with twisted pipe cleaners, or staple the pages


2. On the outside cover, write your child's name. Explain to

him that this is going to be a book about him.

3. Let your child decide what will go on each page. Write it

down. Examples: Other people in my family. My favorite

toys. My favorite books. My friends. My pet. My

neighborhood. My home (or my bedroom). My own drawings.



Making this book will help your child develop his language

skills and give him more practice using the small muscles in

his hands. Your 4-year-old will also love having your undivided



What About Kindergarten?


The activities in this book can help your child from birth

to age 5 get ready for kindergarten. As the first day of school

approaches, however, you may want to do extra things to make

the school seem a friendlier place for both you and your child.

Find out as much as you can about the school before your

child enters it. You will want to learn

* The principal's name;

* The kindergarten teacher's name;

* When to register for kindergarten and what forms need to

be filled out;

* What immunizations are required for school entry;

* A description of the kindergarten program;

* The kindergarten yearly calendar and daily schedule;

* Transportation procedures;

* Food service arrangements; and

* How you can become involved in your child's education and

in the school.

Some schools will send you this information. Or they may

hold an orientation meeting in the spring for parents who

expect to enroll their children in kindergarten the following

fall. If they don't, you can call the principal's office to ask

or to arrange a visit.

Find out in advance what the school expects from entering

kindergarten students. If you know a year or two ahead of

time, you will be in a better position to prepare your child.

Sometimes parents and caregivers don't think the expectations

are right for their children. If that is the case, you may want

to meet with the principal or kindergarten teachers to talk

about the expectations and ways to change the kindergarten




Visit the school with your child so your child can become

familiar with it, and it won't seem scary. Walk up and down the

hallways to learn where things are. Observe the other children

and the classrooms.

Talk with your child about school. During your visit, make

positive comments about the school--your good attitude will rub

off! ("Look at all the boys and girls painting in this

classroom. Doesn't that look like fun!") Tell your child about

what the children do when classes begin.

Talk about the teachers, and how they will help your child

learn new things. Encourage your child to look at the teacher

as a wise friend toward whom children should be courteous.

Explain to your child how important it is to go to class each


If possible, consider volunteering to help out in the

school. The staff may appreciate having an extra adult to help

do everything from passing out paper and pencils in the

classrooms to supervising on the playground. Volunteering is a

good way to learn more about the school and to meet its staff

and other parents.

When the long-awaited first day of kindergarten arrives,

go to school with your child (but don't stay too long). And be

patient. Many young children are overwhelmed at first because

they haven't had much experience in dealing with new

situations. They may not immediately like school. Your child

may cry or cling to you when you say goodbye each morning, but

with support from you and the kindergarten teacher, this can

rapidly change.



As your child proceeds through school, you will need to

continue your encouragement and involvement. But for now,

celebrate all that you have accomplished as a parent. Share

your children's enthusiasm. Let them know how proud you are as

they leave home for their first day of kindergarten. Let them

know you believe they will succeed.


Good Television Habits


Children in the United States have watched an average of

4,000 hours of television by the time they begin school. Most

experts agree that this is too much. But banning television

isn't the answer, because good television can spark curiosity

and open up new worlds to children. Monitoring how much and

what television children watch helps them, starting at an early

age, to develop good viewing habits.

Too much television can be harmful because

* It can expose children to too much sex and violence;

* Children can be unduly influenced by junkfood and toy


* It can give children a poor model for good behavior before

they have developed a clear idea of right and wrong;

* Young children do not have the experience and wisdom to

understand complicated plots or scary scenes; and


* Sitting passively in front of the set for extended periods

of time can slow young children's social and intellectual


Here are some tips to help children develop good

television-viewing habits.

Keep a record of how many hours of TV your children watch,

and what they watch. Generally, it's good to limit the amount

to 2 hours or less a day, although you can make exceptions for

special programs.

Learn about current TV programs and videos and select good

ones. As parents, you know your children best. So, select TV

programs and videos that are meaningful to your family. Some TV

programs you may wish to consider include "Captain Kangaroo,"

Eureeka's Castle," "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood," Sesame Street,"

and "Shining Time Station." Many other good children's

programs, such as Disney and Nickelodeon, are on public

television stations and on cable channels.

If you have a VCR, you may wish to seek out videos made by

Linda Ellerbee's Lucky Duck Productions. Of course, videos vary

in quality, but versions of classic children's books, such as

Babar or Snow White, are a good place to start.

Parents who would like help in finding good TV programs

for children can subscribe to Parents' Choice, a quarterly

review of children's media which includes television programs

and home video materials. Write to Parents' Choice Foundation,

Box 185, Newton, MA 02168. A subscription is $18 a year. A

sample copy is $2.

You can also read about programs in TV columns in

newspapers and magazines. Cable subscribers and public

broadcasting contributors can check monthly program guides for


Plan with your children (starting at age 3) what programs

to watch. After selecting programs appropriate for your

children, help them decide which ones to watch. Turn the TV on

when these shows start, and turn the set off when they are


Watch television with your children so you can answer

questions and talk about what they see. Pay special attention

to how they respond so you can help them understand what

they're seeing, if that's needed.

Follow-up TV viewing with activities or games. You might

have your child tell you a new word he learned on television

that you can look up together in the dictionary. Or you might

have him make up his own story about one of his favorite TV


Include the whole family in discussion and activities or

games that relate to television programs. Older siblings,

aunts, uncles, and grandparents can all contribute.

Make certain that television isn't regularly used as a

babysitter. Instead, try to balance good television with other

fun activities for your child.


Choosing Child Care


More and more children are in preschool or other child

care settings before they enter kindergarten. Choosing the

right child care is important because it can affect how

prepared your child is for school. Some tips to guide you:

Think about the kind of care you want for your child.

Possibilities include (a) a relative; (b) a family day care

provider, usually a woman who takes care of a small group of

children in her home; (c) a child care center; and (d) a

caregiver who comes into your home.

Figure out what suits your budget and what you can expect

to spend in your community. For low-income parents, the

federally funded Head Start program (and in some communities

Chapter 1 programs) are available. State-subsidized child care

programs also are available, although most often more people

need the subsidized care than there are spaces available. Many

families are entitled to the child care credit on their income

tax forms.

Recognize that there are many ways to find good care. Ask

friends and neighbors. Look in the Yellow Pages of your

telephone book under "Child Care Centers." Look in the

classified ads of your local newspaper, or place an ad of your

own. Put up notices on your church or synagogue bulletin board,

in grocery stores, local community centers, or at the

employment office of local colleges or universities. Look for

notices that other people have put up.

If you are looking for a family day care provider, a local

licensing agency can provide you with local listings. Many

communities have resource and referral agencies that help

parents identify the options that best meet their needs.

Start looking early, particularly if you have a special

program for your child in mind. Some programs have long waiting

lists. Some may even require you to get on a waiting list

before your child is born.

Gather information. If you are looking for a family day

care provider or for a person to come into your home, interview

the person at length and check references. Before you meet with

them, develop a list of questions. If you are looking at day

care centers, visit them--more than once, if possible. Just

because a person or a program worked for someone else doesn't

mean it's right for you. With any kind of child care, check


No matter what kind of child care you are considering,

look for caregivers who

* Are kind and responsive. Good caregivers are affectionate,

enjoy children, are energetic enough to keep up with your

preschooler, patient, and mature enough to handle crises

and conflicts.

* Have experience with preschoolers and like them. Find out

how long they have worked with preschoolers, why they are

in the early child care field, and whether they provide

activities that are appropriate for your child's age.

Observe the caregivers with children. Do the children seem

happy? How do the caregivers respond to them?

* Recognize the individual needs of your child. Look for

caregivers who are considerate of different children's

interests and needs and who can provide your child with

enough attention.

* Share a child-rearing philosophy that is similar to yours.

Find out what kind of discipline is used and how problems

are handled.

Be certain that the child care facility is clean and safe

and is filled with things to explore that are appropriate for

your child's age.


Ready-for-School Checklist


This checklist, although not exhaustive, can help to guide

you in preparing your child for school. It's best to look at

the items included as goals toward which to aim. They should be

done, as much as possible, through everyday life or by fun

activities you've planned with your child. If your child lags

behind in some areas, don't worry. Remember that all children

are unique. They grow and develop at different rates--and no

one thing guarantees that a child is ready for school.


Good Health and Physical Well-Being


My child:

* Eats a balanced diet.

* Receives regular medical and dental care and has had all

the necessary immunizations. Gets plenty of rest.

* Runs, jumps, plays outdoors, and does other activities

that help develop large muscles and provide exercise.

* Works puzzles, scribbles, colors, paints, and does other

activities that help develop small muscles.


Social and Emotional Preparation


My child:

* Is learning to be confident enough to explore and try new


* Is learning to work well alone and to do many tasks for


* Has many opportunities to be with other children and is

learning to cooperate with them. Is curious and is

motivated to learn.

* Is learning to finish tasks (for example, picks up own


* Is learning to use self-control.

* Can follow simple instructions.

* Helps with family chores.


Language and General Knowledge


My child:

* Has many opportunities to play.

* Is read to every day.

* Has access to books and other reading materials.

* Has his television viewing monitored by an adult.

* Is encouraged to ask questions.

* Is encouraged to solve problems.

* Has opportunities to notice similarities and differences.

* Is encouraged to sort and classify things (for example, by

looking for red cars on the highway).

* Is learning to write his name and address.

* Is learning to count and plays counting games. Is learning

to identify shapes and colors.

* Has opportunities to draw, listen to and make music, and

to dance.

* Has opportunities to get firsthand experiences to do

things in the world--to see and touch objects, hear new

sounds, smell and taste foods, and watch things move.




Text Notes


The following notes refer to the text portion of this


Pages 1-12 draw from Powell, Douglas R., (1991). "Strengthening

Parental Contributions to School Readiness and Early School


Page 3. The National Education Goals Panel.

Page 3. Katz, Dr. Lilian G., (1992). "Readiness: Children and

Their Schools," in ERIC Review, Volume 2, Issue 1. U.S.

Department of Education.

Pages 6-7. Rich, Dorothy, (1988). Megaskills. Houghton Mifflin,


Pages 8-9. Belbas, Nancy, Smerlinder, Julienne, and Stranik,

Mary Kay, (1986). Middle of the Night Baby Book, The Body

Press, Tucson, AZ, 70-71.

Pages 10-11. Binkley, Marilyn R., (1988). Becoming a Nation

of Readers: What Parents Can Do. U.S. Department of Education,

Washington, DC.

Page 11. Charren, Peggy, and Hulsizer, Carol, (1986). The

TV-Smart Book for Kids and Parents' Guide for The TV-Smart Book

for Kids. E.P. Dutton, New York.

Pages 15-44. The following publications were used to develop

the "What to expect" and the "What they need" features found

throughout the activities section:

Karnes, M.B. (1979, 1981). Small Wonder! 1 and Small Wonder!

2. American Guidance Service, Circle Pines, MN.

Miller, Karen, (1984, 1984, 1985). Things to Do with Toddlers

and Twos, More Things to Do With Toddlers and Twos, and Ages

and Stages. Telshare Publishing Co., Inc., Chelsea, MA.

MYM/MELD, (dates unavailable). Parent/Child Activities

(when baby's three months old or younger), Toys and Games

for Babies (3-12 months old), and Toys, Activities, Books, Etc.

(for toddlers). Brochures. Minneapolis, MN.

North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Child/Daycare

Section, (date unavailable). Children, Children, Children:

Understanding Them--Helping Them Grow. Series of brochures on

child development.

Oklahoma State Department of Health, (date unavailable). For

Parents' Sake. Oklahoma City, OK.

Sears, William, M.D. (1989). Your Baby: The First Twelve Months.

Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, NY.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (1988). Picturing

Development, Washington, DC.

University of California, Cooperative Extension, Parent Express,

A Month-by-Month Newsletter for You and Your Baby.

Page 47. "Good Television Habits" is drawn in part from Belbas

and Charren.

Pages 48. "Choosing Child Care" is drawn in part from National

Association for the Education of Young Children brochures.


"Activities" Notes


The activities were adapted in part from the following


Bananas Guide, written by staff of BANANAS Child Care

Information and Referral Service for Families in Alameda County


Becoming a Nation of Readers: What Parents Can Do.

Early Learning Fun Pre-School Readiness Kit by the E.L.F. Task

Force (1976). West Aurora Public Schools, Aurora, IL.

Encouraging the Artist in Your Child by Sally Warner (1989). St.

Martin's Press, New York.

Growing to Love Books by the New York Public Library's Early

Childhood Project.

Helping Children Learn About Reading by Judith A. Schickedanz,

a brochure from the National Association for the Education of

Young Children.

Middle of the Night Baby Book.

More Than 1, 2, 3--The Real Basics of Mathematics by Janet

Brown McCracker (1987).

More Things to Do With Toddlers and Twos.

101 Amusing Ways to Develop Your Child's Thinking Skills and

Creativity by Sarina Simon (1989).

1001 Things to Do With Your Kids by Caryl Waller Krueger

(1988). Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN.

Parent/Child Activities (when baby's three months old or


Playtime Learning Games for Young Children by Alice S. Honig

(1982). Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY.

Small Wonder! 1, Small Wonder! 2.

The New Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease (1989). Penguin

Books, New York.

Things to Do With Toddlers and Twos.


What We Can Do

To Help Our Children Learn:


Listen to them and pay attention to their problems.

Read with them.

Tell family stories.

Limit their television watching.

Have books and other reading materials in the house.

Look up words in the dictionary with them.

Encourage them to use an encyclopedia.

Share favorite poems and songs with them.

Take them to the library--and get them their own library cards.

Take them to museums and historical sites, when possible.

Discuss the daily news with them.

Go exploring with them and learn about plants, animals, and


Find a quiet place for them to study.

Review their homework.

Meet with their teachers.



Do you have other ideas?
