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Helping Your Child Learn Geography




Remember thumbing through an atlas or encyclopedia as a

child, imagining yourself as a world traveler on a safari in

Africa, or boating up the Mississippi River, climbing the peaks

of the Himalayas, visiting ancient cathedrals and castles of

Europe, the Great Wall of China? We do. The world seemed full

of faraway, exotic, and wonderful places that we wanted to know

more about.

Today, we would like to believe that youngsters are

growing up similarly inquisitive about the world. Perhaps they

are, but recent studies and reports indicate that, if such

imaginings are stirring in our youngsters, they're not being

translated into knowledge. Not that there ever was a "golden

age" when all our young and all our citizens were conversant

about the peoples and places of the globe. Still, there is

considerable evidence that such knowledge among young Americans

has dipped to an alarming low.

Last year, a nine-nation survey found that one in five

young Americans (18- to 24-year-olds) could not locate the

United States on an outline map of the world. Young Americans

knew measurably less geography than Americans 25 years of age

and over. Only in the United States did 18- to 24-year-olds

know less than people 55 years old and over; in all eight other

nations, young adults knew more than the older ones.

No less disturbing was the fact that our young adults,

when compared with young adults in other countries, came in

last place in a 1980 Gallup Poll. Our 18- to 24-year-olds knew

less about geography than their age-mates in every other

participating nation. But it shouldn't surprise us. Youngsters

in other countries study more geography. In England, Canada,

and the Soviet Union, geography is considered one of the basic

academic subjects and is required of most secondary students;

in the United States, only one in seven students takes a high

school geography course.

You'd think that our students learn at least some

geography, though, in their world history classes. Those who

take world history probably do. But that's only 44 percent of

our high school graduates. More than half of our high school

students are graduating without studying world history.

If youngsters are to acquire an appreciation of geography

and ultimately learn to think geographically, parents and

communities must insist that local schools restore it to

prominence in the curriculum. They should insist that geography

be studied and learned, in one form or another, through several

years of the primary and secondary curriculum.

Learning should not be restricted to the classroom.

Parents are a child's first teachers and can do much to advance

a youngster's geographic knowledge. This booklet suggests some

ways to do so.

It is based on a fundamental assumption: that children

generally learn what adults around them value. The significance

attached to geography at home or at school can be estimated in

a glance at the walls and bookshelves.

Simply put, youngsters who grow up around maps and atlases

are more likely to get the "map habit" than youngsters who do

not. Where there are maps, atlases, and globes, discussions of

world events (at whatever intellectual level) are more likely

to include at least a passing glance at their physical

location. Turning to maps and atlases frequently leads

youngsters to fashion, over time, their own "mental maps" of

the world--maps that serve not only to organize in their minds

the peoples, places, and things they see and hear about in the

news, but also to suggest why certain events unfold in

particular places.

Helping every child develop his or her ability to use maps

and to develop mental maps of the world ought to become a

priority in our homes and schools. For, as we all know, our

lives are becoming an ever tighter weave of interactions with

people around the world. If our businesses are to fare well in

tomorrow's world markets, if our national policies are to

achieve our aims in the future, and if our relationships with

other peoples are to grow resilient and mutually enriching, our

children must grow to know what in the world is where.

This booklet is designed to help parents stir children's

curiosity and steer that curiosity toward geographic questions

and knowledge. It is organized around the five themes recently

set forth by geographers and geography educators across the

Nation--the physical location of a place, the character of a

place, relationships between places, movement of people and

things, and phenomena that cause us to group places into

particular regions.

We encourage parents to get to the fun part--that is, the

activities. The games, maps, and suggested activities that

follow, while informal and easy to do, can help lay a solid

foundation in experience for children's later, more academic

forays into geography.

Bruno V. Manno

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning

Kirk Winters

Research Associate

Office of Educational Research and Improvement

U.S. Department of Education





Children are playing in the sand. They make roads for

cars. One builds a castle where a doll can live. Another scoops

out a hole, uses the dirt to make a hill, and pours some water

in the hole to make a lake. Sticks become bridges and trees.

The children name the streets, and may even use a watering can

to make rain.

Although they don't know it, these children are learning

the principles of geography. They are locating things, seeing

how people interact with he Earth, manipulating the

environment, learning how weather changes the character of a

place, and looking at how places relate to each other through

the movement of things from one place to another.

With this book, we hope you, as parents, will get ideas

for activities that will use your children's play to informally

help them learn more geography--the study of the Earth.

Most of the suggestions in this book are geared to

children under 10 years of age. The activities and games are

organized around five specific themes that help focus our

thinking. These themes were developed by the Joint Committee on

Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic

Education and the American Association of Geographers and are

now being used in many schools. They are:

1. Where are things located?

2. What makes a place special?

3. What are the relationships among people and places?

4. What are the patterns of movement of people, products, and


5. How can the Earth be divided into regions for study?

These themes have been adopted by many schools in the last

few years and may be new to many parents. To help focus your

awareness of the issues, we will begin each chapter with a

brief description of the theme. This description includes

examples of questions geographers use as they strive to

understand and define the Earth, for geography provides us with

a system for asking questions about the Earth.




Position on the Earth's Surface


Look at a map. Where are places located? To determine

location, geographers use a set of imaginary lines that

crisscross the surface of the globe. Lines designating

"latitude" tell us how far north or south of the equator a

place is. Lines designating "longitude" measure distance east

and west of the prime meridian--an imaginary line running

between the North Pole and the South Pole through Greenwich,

England. You can use latitude and longitude as you would a

simple grid system on a state highway map. The point where the

lines intersect is the "location"--or global address. For

example, St. Louis, Missouri, is roughly at 39° (degrees) north

latitude and 90° west longitude.

Why are things located in particular places and how do

those places influence our lives? Location further describes

how one place relates to another. St. Louis is where the

Mississippi and the Missouri rivers meet about midway between

Minneapolis-St. Paul and New Orleans. It developed as a trading

center between east and west, north and south.




To help young children learn location, make sure they know

the color and style of the building in which they live, the

name of their town, and their street address. Then, when you

talk about other places, they have something of their own with

which to compare.

* Children need to understand positional words. Teach

children words like "above" and "below" in a natural way

when you talk with them or give them directions. When

picking up toys to put away, say, "Please put your toy

into the basket on the right" or, "Put the green washcloth

into the drawer." Right and left are as much directional

terms as north, south, east, and west. Other words that

describe such features as color, size, and shape are also




* Show your children north, south, east, and west by using

your home as a reference point. Perhaps you can see the

sun rising in the morning through a bedroom window that

faces east and setting at night through the westerly

kitchen window:

* Reinforce their knowledge by playing games. Once children

have their directional bearings, you can hide an object,

for example, then give them directions to its location:

"two steps to the north, three steps west ...."

* Use pictures from books and magazines to help your

children associate words with visual images. A picture of

a desert can stimulate conversation about the features of

a desert--arid and barren. Work with your children to

develop more complex descriptions of different natural and

cultural features.





Put your child's natural curiosity to work. Even small

children can learn to read simple maps of their school,

neighborhood, and community. Here are some simple map

activities you can do with your children.

* Go on a walk and collect natural materials such as

acorns and leaves to use for an art project. Map the

location where you found those items.


* Create a treasure map for children to find hidden treats

in the back yard or inside your home. Treasure maps work

especially well for birthday parties.

* Look for your city or town on a map. If you live in a

large city or town, you may even be able to find your

street. Point out where your relatives or your children's

best friends live.

* Find the nearest park, lake, mountain, or other cultural

or physical feature on a map. Then, talk about how these

features affect your child's life. Living near the ocean

may make your climate moderate, prairies may provide an

open path for high winds, and mountains may block some

weather fronts.

* By looking at a map, your children may learn why they go

to a particular school. Perhaps the next nearest school is

on the other side of a park, a busy street, or a large

hill. Maps teach us about our surroundings by portraying

them in relation to other places.



* Before taking a trip, show your children a map of where

you are going and how you plan to get there. Look for

other ways you could go, and talk about why you decided to

use a particular route. Maybe they can suggest other


* Encourage your children to make their own maps using

legends with symbols. Older children can draw a layout of

their street, or they can illustrate places or journeys

they have read about. Some books, like Winnie-the-Pooh and

The Wizard of Oz, contain fanciful maps. These can be

models for children to create and plot their own stories.

* Keep a globe and a map of the United States near the

television and use them to locate places talked about on

television programs, or to follow the travels of your

favorite sports team.


Additional Activities


Children use all of their senses to learn about the world.

Objects that they can touch, see, smell, taste, and hear help

them understand the link between a model and the real thing.

* Put together puzzles of the United States or the world.

Through the placement of the puzzle pieces, children gain

a tactile and visual sense of where one place is located

in relation to others.

* Make a three-dimensional map of your home or neighborhood

using milk cartons for buildings. Draw a map of the block

on a piece of cardboard, then cut up the cartons (or any

other three-dimensional item) and use them to represent

buildings. Use bottle tops or smaller boxes to add

interest to the map, but try to keep the scale

relationships correct.

* Use popular board games like "Game of the States" or "Trip

Around the World" to teach your children about location,

commerce, transportation, and the relationships, among

different countries and areas of the world. Some of these

games are available at public libraries.

* Make paper-mache using strips of old newspaper and a

paste made from flour and water. If children form balls by

wrapping the strips of paper-mache around a balloon, they

will develop a realistic understanding of the difficulties

in making accurate globes. They can also use paper-mache

to make models of hills and valleys.




Physical and Human Characteristics


Every place has a personality. What makes a place special?

What are the physical and cultural characteristics of your

hometown? Is the soil sandy or rocky? Is the temperature warm

or is it cold? If it has many characteristics, which are the

most distinct?

How do these characteristics affect the people living

there? People change the character of a place. They speak a

particular language, have styles of government and

architecture, and form patterns of business. How have people

shaped the landscapes?


Investigate Your Neighborhood


* Walk around your neighborhood and look at what makes it

unique. Point out differences from and similarities to

other places. Can your children distinguish various types

of homes and shops? Look at the buildings and talk about

their uses. Are there features built to conform with the

weather or topography? Do the shapes of some buildings

indicate how they were used in the past or how they're

used now? These observations help children understand the

character of a place.

* Show your children the historical, recreational, or

natural points of interest in your town. What animals and

plants live in your neighborhood? If you live near a

harbor, pay it a visit, and tour a docked boat. You can

even look up the shipping schedule in your local

newspaper. If you live near a national park, a lake, a

river, or a stream, take your children there and spend

time talking about its uses.

* Use songs to teach geography. "Home on the Range," "Red

River Valley," and "This Land Is Your Land" conjure up

images of place. Children enjoy folk songs of different

countries like "Sur La Pont D'Avignon, .... Guantanamara,"

and "London Bridge." When your children sing these songs,

talk with them about the places they celebrate, locate

them on the map, and discuss how the places are described.


Study the Weather


Weather has important geographic implications that affect

the character of a place. The amount of sun or rain, heat or

cold, the direction and strength of the wind, all determine

such things as how people dress, how well crops grow, and the

extent to which people will want to live in a particular spot.

* Watch the weather forecast on television or read the

weather map in the newspaper. Save the maps for a month or

more. You can see changes over time, and compare

conditions over several weeks and seasons. Reading the

weather map helps children observe changes in the local


* Use a weather map to look up the temperatures of cities

around the world and discover how hot each gets in the

summer and how cold each gets in the winter. Ask your

children if they can think of reasons why different

locations have different temperatures. Compare these

figures with your town. Some children enjoy finding the

place that is the hottest or the coldest.

* Make simple weather-related devices such as barometers,

pinwheels, weather vanes, and wind chimes. Watch cloud

formations and make weather forecasts. Talk about how

these describe the weather in your town.


Learn About Other Cultures


People shape the personality of their areas. The beliefs,

languages, and customs distinguish one place from another.

* Make different ethnic foods, take your children to an

ethnic restaurant, or treat them to ethnic snacks at a

folk festival. Such an experience is an opportunity to

talk about why people eat different foods. What

ingredients in ethnic dishes are unique to a particular

area? For example, why do the Japanese eat so much

seafood? (If your children look for Japan on a map they

will realize it is a country of many islands.)


* Read stories from or about other countries, and books that

describe journeys. Many children's books provide colorful

images of different places and a sense of what it would be

like to live in them. Drawings or photographs of distant

places or situations can arouse interest in other lands.

The Little House in the Big Woods, Holiday Tales of Sholem

Aleichem, and The Polar Express are examples of books with

descriptions of place that have transported the

imaginations of many young readers. There is a

bibliography at the end of this booklet, and your librarian

will have more suggestions.



Weather Vane


Materials: wire hanger, small plastic container, aluminum

foil, sand or dirt, tape or glue, scissors, crayon.




1. Straighten out the hanger's hook and cover half of the

triangle part of the hanger with foil. Fold the edges, and

tape or glue in place.

2. Fill the container with sand or loose dirt, put on the lid,

and mark it N, S, E, and W. Poke the hanger through the

center of the lid. The hanger should touch the bottom of

the container and turn freely in the hole.



3. Put the container outside with the N facing north. When the

wind blows, take a look at your weather vane. The open half

of the vane shows the direction from which the wind is


Reprinted from Sesame Street Magazine Parent's Guide, June

1986. Copyright Children's Television Workshop.



Relationships within Places:

Humans and Environments


How do people adjust to their environment? What are the

relationships among people and places? How do they change it

to better suit their needs? Geographers examine where people

live, why they settled there, and how they use natural

resources. For example, Hudson Bay, the site of the first

European settlement in Canada, is an area rich in wildlife and

has sustained a trading and fur trapping industry for hundreds

of years. Yet the climate there was described by early settlers

as "nine months of ice followed by three months of mosquitoes."

People can and do adapt to their natural surroundings.


Notice How You Control Your Surroundings


Everyone controls his or her surroundings. Look at the way

you arrange furniture in your home. You place the tables and

chairs in places that suit the shape of the room and the

position of the windows and doors. You also arrange the room

according to how people will use it.

* Try different furniture arrangements with your children.

If moving real furniture is too strenuous, try working

with doll house furniture or paper cutouts. By cutting out

paper to represent different pieces of furniture, children

can begin to learn the mapmaker's skill in representing

the three-dimensional real world.

* Ask your children to consider what the yard might look

like if you did not try to change it by mowing grass,

raking leaves or planting shrubs or trees. You might add a

window box if you don't have a yard. What would happen if

you didn't water the plants?


* Walk your children around your neighborhood or a park area

and have them clean up litter. How to dispose of waste is

a problem with a geographic dimension.

* Take your children to see some examples of how people have

shaped their environment: bonsai gardens, reservoirs,

terracing, or houses built into hills. Be sure to talk

with them about how and why these phenomena came to be.

* If you don't live on a farm, try to visit one. Many cities

and States maintain farm parks for just this purpose. Call

the division of parks in your area to find out where there

is one near you. Farmers use soil, water, and sun to grow

crops. They use ponds or streams for water, and build

fences to keep animals from running away.


Notice How You Adapt to Your Surroundings


People don't always change their environment. Sometimes

they are shaped by it. Often people must build roads around

mountains. They must build bridges over rivers. They construct

storm walls to keep the ocean from sweeping over beaches. In

some countries, people near coasts build their houses on stilts

to protect them from storm tides or periodic floods.

* Go camping. It is easy to understand why we wear long

pants and shoes when there are rocks and brambles on the

ground, and to realize the importance to early settlers of

being near water when you no longer have the convenience

of a faucet.

* If you go to a park, try to attend the nature shows that

many parks provide. You and your children may learn about

the local plants and wildlife and how the natural features

have changed over time.




People Interacting on the Earth


People are scattered unevenly over the Earth. How do they

get from one place to another? What are the patterns of

movement of people, products, and information ? Regardless of

where we live, we rely upon each other for goods, services, and

information. In fact, most people interact with other places

almost every day. We depend on other places for the food,

clothes, and even items like the pencil and paper our children

use in school. We also share information with each other using

telephones, newspapers, radio, and television to bridge the




Travel in Different Ways


* Give your children opportunities to travel by car, bus,

bicycle, or on foot. Where you can, take other forms of

transportation such as airplanes, trains, subways,

ferries, barges, and horses and carriages.

* Use a map to look at various routes you can take when you

try different methods of transportation.


* Watch travel programs on television.


Follow the Movement of People and Things


* Play the license plate game. How many different States'

plates can you identify, and what, if anything, does the

license plate tell you about each State? You don't have to

be in a car to play. You can look at the license plates of

parked cars, or those traveling by when you are walking.

Children can keep a record of the States whose plates they

have seen. They can color in those States on a map and

illustrate them with characteristics described on the

license plates. Some States have county names on their

plates. If you live in one of these States, keeping track

of the counties could be another interesting variation.

* Go around your house and look at where everything comes

from. Examine the labels of the clothes you wear and think

of where your food comes from. Why do bananas come from

Central America? Why does the milk come from the local

dairy? Perhaps your climate is too cold for bananas, and

the milk is too perishable to travel far. How did the food

get to your house?

* Tell your children where your ancestors came from. Find

your family's countries of origin, and chart the

birthplaces of relatives on a map. You can plot the routes

they followed before they arrived at their present

location. Why did they leave their previous home? Where do

all your relatives live now?

* Have your children ask older relatives what their world

was like when they were young. They can ask questions

about transportation, heating and refrigeration, the foods

they ate, the clothes they wore, and the schools they

attended. Look at old pictures. How have things changed

since Grandma was a child? Grandparents and great aunts

and uncles are usually delighted to share their memories

with the younger generation, and they can pass on a wealth

of information.



Follow the Movement of Ideas and Information


Ideas come from beyond our immediate surroundings. How do

they get to us? Consider communication by telephone and mail,

television, radio, telegrams, telefax, and even graffiti,

posters, bumper stickers, and promotional buttons. They all

convey information from one person or place to another.

* By watching television and listening to the radio, your

children will receive ideas from the outside world. Where

dothe television shows they watch originate? What

aboutradio shows?

* Ask your children how they would communicate with other

people. Would they use the phone or write a letter?

Encourage them to write letters to relatives and friends.

They may be able to get pen pals through school or a pen

pal association. (Please see the listing in the back of

this booklet.)



How They Form and Change


How can places be described or compared? How can the Earth

be divided into regions for study? Geographers categorize

regions in two basic ways--physical and cultural. Physical

regions are defined by landform (continents and mountain

ranges), climate, soil, and natural vegetation. Cultural

regions are distinguished by political, economic, religious,

linguistic, agricultural, and industrial characteristics.



Examine Physical Regions


* Help your children understand physical regions by

examining areas in your home. Is there an upstairs and a

downstairs? Is there an eating area and a sleeping area?

Are there other "regions" in your home that can be


* Look at the physical regions in your community. Some

neighborhoods grew up around hills, others developed on

waterfronts or around parks. What physical regions exist

in your hometown?


Examine Cultural Regions


* Take your children to visit the different political,

residential, recreational, ethnic, and commercial regions

of your city.

* Go to plays, movies, and puppet shows about people from

different countries. These are often presented at

libraries and museums.

* Give children geography lessons by tying in with ethnic

holiday themes. Provide children with regional or ethnic

clothes to wear. Some museums and libraries provide

clothes children can borrow. Holidays provide an

opportunity to learn about the customs of people around

the world. You can use the library to discover how other

people celebrate special days.

* Compare coins and stamps from other lands. They often

contain information about the country. You may be able to

find stamps from other countries where you work, or your

children may get them from pen pals. Stamps tell many

different kinds of things about a country, from its

political leadership to native bird life.


* Learn simple words in different languages. Teach your

children to count to 10 in other languages. They can also

learn simple words like "hello, .... goodbye," and "thank

you." Look at the different alphabets or script from

various regions. All these activities expose children to

the abundance of the Earth's cultural treasures. Many

libraries have language tapes and books, some especially

for children.

* If you have friends who are from different countries or

have either travelled or lived abroad, invite them over to

talk with your children. If they have pictures, so much

the better. What languages do they speak? How are their

customs or dress similar to or different from yours?





Geography is a way of thinking, of asking questions, of

observing and appreciating the world around us. You can help

your children learn by providing interesting activities for

them, and by prompting them to ask questions about their


Set a good example, and help your children build precise

mental images, by always using correct terms. Say, "We are

going north to New York to visit Grandma, or west to Dallas to

see Uncle John," rather than "up to New York" or "down to

Dallas." Use words such as highway, desert, river, climate, and

glacier; and explain concepts like city, State, and continent.

Many of the words used in geography are everyday words.

But, like any other field of learning, geography has a language

of its own. (A glossary of basic geography terms appears in the

back of this booklet.)

Expose children to lots of maps and let them see you using

them. Get a good atlas as well as a dictionary. Atlases help us

ask, and answer, questions about places and their relationships

with other areas. Many States have atlases that are generally

available through an agency of the state government.

The activities suggested in this booklet are only a few

examples of the many ways that children learn geography. These

activities are designed to help parents find ways to include

geographic thinking in their children's early experiences. We

hope they will stimulate your thinking and that you will

develop many more activities on your own.




Backler, Alan; and Stoltman, Joseph. "The Nature of Geographic

Literacy." ERIC Digest (no. 35). Bloomington, IN. 1986.

Blaga, Jeffrey J.; and others. Geographic Review of Our World:

A Daily Five-Minute Geography Program for Grades 3-11. GROW

Publications. Racine, WI. 1987.

Duea, Joan; and others. Maps and Globes: An Instructional Unit

for Elementary Grades. University of Northern Iowa. Cedar

Falls, IA. 1985.

Geographic Education National Implementation Project. Walter G.

Kernball (chair). K-6 Geography: Themes, Key Ideas, and

Learning Opportunities. National Council for Geographic


Western Illinois University. Macomb, IL. 1984.

Department of Education and Science. Geography from 5 to 16.

HMSO Books. London. 1986.

Hoehn, Ann. "Helping Children Get Their Hands on Geography"

(unpublished activity guide). Milaca Public Schools. Milaca,

MN. 1988.

Joint Committee on Geographic Education. Guidelines for

Geographic Education, Elementary and Secondary Schools.

Association of American Geographers and National Council for

Geographic Education. Washington, DC. 1984.

National Council for the Social Studies. Strengthening

Geography in the Social Studies, Bulletin 81. Salvatore J.

Natoli (editor). Washington, DC. 1988.

National Geographic Society. Geography: An International

Gallup Survey. The Gallup Organization, Inc. Princeton,

NJ. 1988.

National Geographic Society. "Geography: Making Sense of

Where We Are." Geographic Education Program. Washington, DC.


National Geographic Society. Geography Education Program.

"Teaching Geography: A Model for Action." Washington, DC.


Wilson-Jones, Ruth Anne. "Geography and Young Children: Help

Give them the World" (unpublished paper). LaGrange, GA. 1988.





Distance above sea level.


A bound collection of maps.


A group of islands or a sea studded with islands.


A wide area of water extending into land from a sea or



Lines indicating the limits of countries, States, or other

political jurisdictions.


A man-made watercourse designed to carry goods or water.


A large but narrow gorge with steep sides.

cape (or point)

A piece of land extending into water.


A person who draws or makes maps or charts.


One of the large, continuous areas of the Earth into which

the land surface is divided.


A unit of angular measure. A circle is divided into 360

degrees, represented by the symbol *. Degrees, when applied to

the roughly spherical shape of the Earth for geographic and

cartographic purposes, are each divided into 60 minutes,

represented by the symbol '.


The fan-shaped area at the mouth, or lower end, of a

river, formed by eroded material that has been carried

downstream and dropped in quantities larger than can be carried

off by tides or currents.


A land area so dry that little or no plant life can



The altitude of an object, such as a celestial body, above

the horizon; or the raising of a portion of the Earth's crust

relative to its surroundings, as in a mountain range.


An imaginary circle around the Earth halfway between the

North Pole and the South Pole; the largest circumference of the



A large body of ice that moves slowly down a mountainside

from highlands toward sea level.


A large arm of an ocean or sea extending into a land mass.


Half of the Earth, usually conceived as resulting from the

division of the globe into two equal parts, north and south or

east and west.

ice shelf

A thick mass of ice extending from a polar shore. The

seaward edge is afloat and sometimes extends hundreds of miles

out to sea.


international date line

An imaginary line of longitude generally 180° east or west

of the prime meridian. The date becomes one day earlier to the

east of the line.


An area of land, smaller than a continent, completely

surrounded by water.


A narrow strip of land located between two bodies of

water, connecting two larger land areas.


A shallow area of water separated from the ocean by a

sandbank or by a strip of low land.


A body of fresh or salt water entirely surrounded by land.


The angular distance north or south of the equator,

measured in degrees.


A listing which contains symbols and other information

about a map.


The angular distance east or west of the prime meridian,

measured in degrees.


A high point of land rising steeply above its



A spot in a desert made fertile by water.


The salt water surrounding the great land masses, and

divided by the land masses into several distinct portions, each

of which is called an ocean.


The highest point of a mountain.


A piece of land extending into the sea almost surrounded

by water.


A large area of land, either level or gently rolling,

usually at low elevation.

plateau (or tableland)

An elevated area of mostly level land, sometimes

containing deep canyons.

physical feature

A land shape formed by nature.


The number of people inhabiting a place.

prime meridian

An imaginary line running from north to south through

Greenwich, England, used as the reference point for longitude.

range (or mountain range) A group or chain of high elevations.


A chain of rocks, often coral, lying near the water



A man-made lake where water is kept for future use.


A stream, larger than a creek, generally flowing to

another stream, a lake, or to the ocean.



The relationship of the length between two points as shown

on a map and the distance between the same two points on the


sea level

The ocean surface; the mean level between high and low



A narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of



A tract of permanently saturated low land, usually

overgrown with vegetation. (A marsh is temporarily or

periodically saturated.)


The physical features of a place; or the study and

depiction of physical features, including terrain relief.


A relatively long, narrow land area lying between two

areas of higher elevation, often containing a stream.


A vent in the Earth's crust caused by molten rock coming

to the surface and being ejected, sometimes violently.


A sudden drop of a stream from a high level to a much

lower level.

Glossary, in part, courtesy of Hammond, Incorporated


Free or Inexpensive Materials




The following places often provide free maps, although you

will probably have to go in person or send a self-addressed

stamped envelope in order to receive one:

* State tourist agencies and local chambers of commerce

publish walking tour maps or guidebooks to area


* Local government offices, especially those dealing with

public transportation, often provide free road maps.

* Car rental companies. The Federal Government has hundreds

of maps available. For a comprehensive listing, contact

the Government Printing Office (GPO) bookstore in your

area or the Superintendent of Documents, Government

Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The GPO handles the

printing and sales of items produced by government

agencies. Some examples of what you might find there, or

directly through the developing agency, include:

* Schematic maps with historical data and park activities of

the areas under the care of the U.S. National Park

Service. Contact the particular site, or write to the

Department of the Interior, U.S. National Park Service,

P.O. Box 7427, Washington, DC 20013-7127.

* Maps from the U.S. Geological Survey, the civilian

mapmaking agency of the United States Government, covering

a range of areas including National Wildlife Refuges to

LANDSAT pictures of the Earth. For a catalog, write to the

Earth Science Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey,

507 National Center, Reston, VA 22092.


* A map of the United States showing the U.S. Wildlife

Refuges. Write to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

Division of Refuge, 18th and C Streets NW, Washington, DC


* Maps of water recreation areas, from the Army Corps of

Engineers. Write to Department of the Army, Corps of

Engineers, 2803 52nd Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781-1102.

* A wide selection of material is available from the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 400

Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20546. Of particular

interest are NASA Facts--Planet Earth Through the Eyes of

LANDSAT 4 and Earth System Science. For a full list, ask

for a copy of NASA Educational Publications.

Another source is The Map Catalog (Joel Makower, editor,

and Laura Bergheim, associate editor), published in 1986

by Vintage Books of Random House. It is probably at your

public library.




Look for these magazines in your school or library:

* Discover produced by Family Media, Incorporated;

* World, published by the National Geographic Society; and

* Ranger Rick and Your Big Backyard, published by the

National Wildlife Federation.


Pen Pal



League of Friendship

P.O. Box 509

Mt. Vernon, OH 43050

(6 14)392-3 166




Easy Reading and Picture Books:


Anderson, Lonzo. Day the Hurricane Happened. Story of what a

family does when a hurricane rips through their island.

Bach, Alice. Most Delicious Camping Trip Ever. Exploits of twin

bears on a camping trip.

Balet, Jan. Fence, A Mexican Tale. Illustrations help tell the

story of two Mexican families.

Beskow, Elsa. Children of the Forest. A family of Tomten (small

forest people) work and play through the four seasons in their

Nordic home.

Brenner, Barbara. Barto Takes the Subway. Barto lives in New

York City. He and his sister take a trip on the subway.

Brenner, Barbara. Wagon Wheels. Three young black brothers

follow a map to their father's homestead on the Western plains.

Brinckloe, Julie. Gordon Goes Camping. When Gordon decides to

go camping, his friend Marvin tells him of all the things he

will need for the trip.

Buck, Pearl S. Chinese Children Next Door. A mother who had

spent her childhood in China tells her children about her

neighbors there.

Burningham, John. Seasons. A series of pictures that define the

four seasons.

Burton, Virginia Lee. Little House. A country house is unhappy

when the city with all its houses and traffic grows up around


Chonz, Selina. Bell for Ursli. A boy who lives in a tiny

village in the mountains of Switzerland has an adventure when

the spring festival comes.

Cooney, Barbara. Miss Rumphius. One woman's personal odyssey

through life to fulfill her grandfather's wish that she make

the world more beautiful.

Devlin, Wende and Harry. Cranberry Thanksgiving; Cranberry

Christmas; Cranberry Mystery. A series of mystery-adventure

tales set on the cranberry bog shore of Cape Cod.

Dobrin, Arnold. Josephine's Imagination; A Tale of Haiti. Story

of a young girl and her adventures in the Haitian market.

Eiseman, Alberta. Candido. Paco, a Peruvian boy, loves his pet

llama but knows that he must find a way to train the animal to

work as other llamas do.

Ets, Marie Hall. Gilberto and the Wind. A very little boy from

Mexico finds that the wind is his playmate.

Feelings, Muriel L. Jambo Means Hello. A Swahili alphabet book.

Frasconi, Antonio. See and Say, Guarda e Parla, Mira y Habla,

Regard et Parle. A picture book that gives words from four

languages and prints each in a special color. Has a page of

everyday expressions as well.

Garelic, May. Down to the Beach. Boats, birds, shells, sand,

waves, tides and all the fun and wonder of the beach are

pictured in simple, rhythmic prose and beautiful watercolors.

Goble, Paul. The Gift of the Sacred Dog and The Girl Who Loved

Wild Horses. These stories, accompanied by beautiful pictures,

are based on legends of the Native Americans.

Green, Norma B. Hole in the Dike. Retells the familiar story of

the young Dutch boy whose resourcefulness, courage and finger

save his country from being destroyed by the sea.

Hader, Berta. Reindeer Trail. The generous Laplanders bring

their herds of reindeer all the way from Lapland to Alaska to

help hungry Eskimos.

Hoban, Tana. Over, Under & Through, and Other Spatial Concepts.

A picture book on spatial concepts.

Holling, Holling C. Paddle-to-the-Sea. Describes the journey of

a toy canoe from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Kessler, Ethel. Big Red Bus. An illustrated bus ride for the

very beginning reader.

Krasilovsky, Phyllis. The First Tulips in Holland. Beautiful

drawings about spring in Holland.

Kraus, Robert. Gondolier of Venice. The city of Venice is

sinking into the sea, but Gregory, a proud gondolier, gets a

clever and unusual idea to help the old city.

Lamont, Bette. Island Time. A parent and child board the ferry

that takes them to their very special island on Puget Sound.

Lisowski, Gabriel. How Tevye Became a Milkman. Short tale, with

illustrations of the Ukrainian countryside, based on the

character also depicted in Fiddler on the Roof.

McCloskey, Robert. Blueberries for Sal. Make Way for Ducklings.

One Morning in Maine. Favorites from an award winning

children's book author. Each describes a special journey and

the difficulties in getting from one place to another.

Mizumura, Kazue. If I Built a Village. An idealistic picture of

what a village, town and city can be ends with a small boy

building with blocks.

Morrow, Suzanne Stark. Inatuk's Friend. Story of an Eskimo

child who must move from one place to another.

Musgrove, Margaret. Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions. Read

and observe 26 African tribes from A to Z.

Peterson, Hans. Big Snowstorm. Illustrations and text picture

events on a Swedish farm during a raging, January blizzard.

Rockwell, Anne. Thruway. As a small boy rides along a thruway

with his mother, he tells of all the things he sees.

Shortall, Leonard. Peter in Grand Central Station. Peter takes

his first trip alone, but when he gets to New York, his uncle

is not there to meet him.

Skorpen, Liesel Moak. We Were Tired of Living in a House. Four

small children pack their bags and leave home to find a new and

better house.

Spier, Peter. People. Explores the enormous diversity of the

world's population. Looks at various cultures, homes, foods,

games, clothing, faces, and religions.

Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Abu Ali: Three Tales of the Middle East.

Abu Ali is fooled by his friends, tricks them in turn and even

fools himself in three humorous stories of trickery based on

folklore of the Middle East.


Books to Read Aloud or for Better Readers:


Brink, Carol Ryrie. Caddie Woodlawn. These stories convey the

flavor of pioneer life through the eyes of a little girl who

lived in Wisconsin a century ago.

Bulla, Clyde Robert. A Lion to Guard Us. This is a story of the

founding fathers of the Jamestown colony and the families they

left behind in England.

DeJong, Meindert. Wheel on the School. Children of Shora, a

Netherlands village, are determined to bring storks back to

their town.

Dodge, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates. Poor

Dutch children long to compete in a skating contest.

DuBois, William Pene. The Twenty-one Balloons. In the fall of

1883, Professor William Waterbury Sherman sets forth from San

Francisco on a balloon expedition around the world.

Hansen, Judith. Seashells in My Pocket: A Child's Guide to

Exploring the Atlantic Coast from Maine to North Carolina. A

look at seashells on Atlantic Coast beaches.

Henry, Marguerite. Misty of Chincoteague. A story of the wild

ponies that live on an island off the eastern shore of

Virginia, and of one freedom-loving pony.

Kelly, Eric. The Trumpeter of Krakow. Mystery story centering

around an attack on the ancient city of Krakow in medieval


Milne. A.A. The House at Pooh Corner; Winnie-the-Pooh.

Christopher Robin and his friends have adventures and tell


Mowat, Farley. Owls in the family. This is a story of the

author's boyhood on the Saskatchewan prairie, raising dogs,

gophers, rats, snakes, pigeons, and owls.

McNulty, Faith. Hurricane. This is a nature story that takes

place when a family struggles against a hurricane.

Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. Story of a young girl who goes to live

with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. She is then taken by

her aunt to live in the city and struggles to return to her


Steig, William. Abel's Island. A mouse lives for a year in the

wilderness until his wit and courage take him back home.

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. The Little House series. Documents the

life of the author and her husband a century ago.

Wyss, Johann. Swiss Family Robinson. The adventures of a Swiss

family shipwrecked on a desert island.


Atlases and other reference guides for young people:


Big Blue Marble Atlas. Paula Brown and Robert Garrison. Ideals

Publishing group. Milwaukee. 1988.

Discovering Maps: A Young Person's Atlas. Hammond

Incorporated. Maplewood, N.J. 1989.

Doubleday Children's Atlas. Jane Oliver, editor. Doubleday. New

York. 1987.

Facts on File Children's Atlas. David and Jill Wright. Facts on

File Publications. New York. 1987.

Life Through the Ages. Giovanni Caselli. Grossett and Dunlop.

New York. 1987.

Picture Atlas of Our World. National Geographic Society.

Washington, D.C. 1979.

Picture Encyclopedia of the World for Children. Bryon Williams

and Lynn Williamson. Simon and Schuster. New York. 1984.

Rand McNally Children's Atlas of the World. Bruce Ogilvie. Rand

McNally and Co., Inc. Chicago. 1985.

Rand McNally Student's World Atlas. Rand McNally and Co.

Chicago. 1988.

Usborne Book of World Geography. Jenny Tyler, Lisa Watts, Carol

Bowyer, Roma Trundle and Annabel Warrender. Usborne Publishing,

Ltd. London. 1984.




This project could not have been completed if it were not

for the help of many dedicated people. Thanks to those who

shared their ideas and materials on geography and early

childhood--Mark Bockenhauer of the National Geographic Society,

teachers Ann Hoehn, Judy Ludovise, and Ruth Anne Wilson-Jones,

and Salvatore Natoli of the National Council for the Social

Studies. Thanks to the same group for reviewing the final

document and to Pat Bonner of the Consumer Information Center,

Robert Burch and technical staff of Hammond, Incorporated, and

George Zech of the Duncan Oklahoma Schools.

Thanks to the National Mapping Division of the United

States Geological Survey for becoming involved in the

development of this document and for making it available to a

broader audience. In addition, thanks to Ann Chaparos for the

cover design and help on the layout.

Last, but not least, thanks to the staff of the Office of

Educational Research and Improvement for helping make

the draft into a booklet--Cynthia Dorfman, Kate Dorrell, Lance

Ferderer, Mark Travaglini, Tim Burr, and Phil Carr.

City maps, time zone map, and mileage chart courtesy of

Hammond Incorporated, Maplewood, NJ.







